Here Is New You with My PTE

We are constantly on the look-out for innovation! This is why, we are proud to share that we have smoothened your journey based on your feedback and are happy to share the changes here.

What’s New?

My PTE is a new and improved digital experience designed to streamline the way you book, manage, and track your testing and learning experience. All customers will transition to the new experience with effects from May 19, 2020. Keep reading to learn more about what’s better and what’s changing.

What's better?

A new way to search for a test date

PTE test-takers will now be able to search for seats without having to sign in or register.

With just a few clicks, you can check the availability as per your preferred location and time.

A fresh look for your Score Reports

The PTE Academic Score Report has been updated - all the important information is still there, just in a great new format.