Future of the Classrooms – Things to Expect from Smart Classes
Humans are visual creatures. What we learn from being taught visually is retained better than something that is read out to us. This why the technology of smart classes is such a boon for the students of the 21st century. Let’s take a look at what students and teachers can expect from a digital classroom.
A more interactive way of learning: Instead of staring at chalk drawn diagrams on a blackboard, students can now experience the subject in high-definition on smart screens, making the learning interactive and fun. Teachers can use interactive modules and visually appealing methods of teaching like videos, virtual reality and presentations to help their students better grasp the subject. Immersing the students in the subjects help them learn and retain the subject matter better. After all, textbooks can be fun to read, but nothing can compare seeing the jungles of the Amazon in high definition video to seeing a picture of it in a book!
Help for those who struggle with traditional learning methods: Not all students enjoy the chalk and board teaching methodology and it can be difficult to capture their attention and make them learn. The videos and other interactive modules of a smart classroom work better at capturing their imagination and their attention. Smart classes are also beneficial for students with learning disabilities as they can easily grasp what is being taught through the medium of video and interactive modules.
Saved time: The immersive/blended learning of a smart class is also a time-saving boon for teachers. Instead of wasting time drawing complicated diagrams on the board they can simply pull up richly detailed and accurate diagrams from the smartboard’s memory and use the time saved to pay more attention to the students.
A safer option for teachers and students: Inhaling chalk dust day after day can be detrimental to the health of both teachers and students. Smart classes are easier to teach and have no such associated problems.An easier way for students to catch up: Unlike a chalk and blackboard classroom, where a swipe of the duster can erase the teachings of the day, smart classroom stores the lessons of the day on an accessible platform. Thus, students who were absent or those who wish to review what was taught in the classroom can easily do so from the comfort of their homes. Parents also benefit from this as they can keep an eye on their child’s education at any given time.
Increased student-teacher interaction: The medium of smart classes ignites the sense of curiosity in students. This, in turn, encourages them to ask questions and interact with the teacher allowing for a more holistic and interactive learning process with participation from both sides.
With the proliferation of screens in our daily lives, students of today are exposed to a more visual medium from early childhood. Schools must look toward classroom solutions for better learning outcomes in the form of smart classes.