Chalk Talk vs Smart Boards - What's better and why?
For most of us, classroom education was limited to the traditional blackboard and chalk. The stark contrast of black on white (coloured for special subjects or topics) was the mode of learning and through which generations of stu-dents have gained an education. With the arrival of a new, technological age, several schools and educational institutions started the shift to white-boards. Now, instead of coating the entire class in a fine layer of chalk dust, teachers could easily use markers to teach their students important concepts. Shortly, smart boards were introduced. These technologically advanced learning systems allowed lessons to be taught with colourful 3D diagrams, videos and other immersive learning methods. But is old still gold? How does a traditional blackboard compare with an interactive smart board? Let’s find out!
Improved interaction and collaboration: Unlike chalk boards, where learning was a one-way interaction (where the teacher taught, and students learned,) interactive smartboard solutions such as MyPedia, increase and simplify the levels of collaboration between students and teachers. The use of a black-board is limited to a single user at any given time, which makes it difficult for the content to be modified or annotated without wiping off the old lessons. In comparison, interactive smart boards allow the content to be annotated, ma-nipulated, made available through an app and so much more. This makes learning a collaborative effort and increases the student’s curiosity and urge to learn, resulting in more effective learning outcomes.
Enhanced visualisation for teachers and students: Research shows that humans respond to and process visual data better than any other type of da-ta. In fact, the human brain processes images 60,000 times faster than text, and 90 per cent of information transmitted to the brain is visual ( humans are visual creatures who are more likely to learn better with visual cues. This means that students are more likely to en-joy and retain lessons where videos and quality images are used to teach. Instead of stark black and white 2D images on a chalkboard, interactive smart learning tools have made it possible for teachers to incorporate high definition images, video and graphics into their lessons. This has not only made learning more visually attractive and engaging, but it has also made it easier to explain difficult concepts in class.
Helps parents keep up with their child’s learning: With chalkboards, a par-ent’s knowledge of what was taught in class was limited to what their child has told them or through direct conversations with the teacher. Blended learning means that lessons are stored online and available on apps. This ensures that parents stay up to date with their child’s progress and educa-tion.
Encourages learning: Anyone who has studied with a chalkboard under-stands the feeling when the teacher wiped away the lesson for the day be-fore one had a chance to fully note down what was taught. With the advent of interactive smart boards, students no longer have to face this fear. All les-sons are stored on the cloud and available for learning whenever a student wishes to access it. This is also helpful for students who have learning disa-bilities or have missed classes.
The nostalgia of a chalkboard is undoubtedly a hard one to shake off, but that doesn’t mean that present students should have to learn the same way. Smartboards are a huge improvement in the field of teaching and can make learning and teaching fun for everyone involved.