How To Balance CBSE Board Exam And JEE 2020 Preparation?
The CBSE Board Examination and JEE can safely be called two of the most life-changing examinations an engineering aspirant has to take. While the board examination tests a student’s grasp of fundamental concepts, JEE is known to test a whole set of different skillsets. Since both of these examinations are conducted at almost the same time, the catch is to strike a balance between the two. Here we talk about a few tips that will help a student perform well in both these exams.
Prepare A Schedule:- This is one tip that can’t be stressed enough. The good thing about planning and organising is that it puts you in the right frame of mind and helps you in identifying your weaknesses and strengths. Having a schedule allows you to manage your time effectively and lets you set realistic deadlines for yourself. Now, the only thing that’s left for you to do is to stay true to these deadlines.
Prepare For JEE First:- This obviously doesn’t mean that you completely ignore your boards’ syllabus and focus wholly on JEE, but preparing for JEE can cover a majority of topics that will be a part of your boards as well. It has been established that the level of difficulty of JEE is slightly higher than the CBSE board examinations and if you have studied a particular topic for JEE, chances are that you would be able to brush it up better whilst preparing for your boards.
Don’t Ignore Mock Tests And Previous Year Papers:- It has been commonly observed that these papers prove to be incredibly beneficial for students. Not only do these papers help students in understanding the pattern and difficulty level of the examination, but they also let them build the required speed to complete the paper in time. This is why it is always a good idea to revise your concepts with the help of mock tests and previous year papers.
Read The Words, Write The Numbers:- It has been said before that writing helps learn faster. However, it is also true that writing down everything that you need to learn can be a time-consuming task. This is why it is a good idea to practice numerical problems by writing them down and understand textual concepts by reading and understanding. Try to stay away from rote learning as much as possible.
Keep Checking The Prescribed Syllabus:- Revisiting your syllabus does two things. One, it helps you avoid missing out on an important section and two, it keeps you motivated by reminding you how much you’ve accomplished so far. Keeping track of what has been done and what needs to be done is an excellent way to prevent a shortage of time at the last moment.
Stay Confident And Collect Your Thoughts:- The last and final tip would be to stay confident and keep your thoughts collected. Students often panic as the exam date comes closer and they attempt to do everything at once. This can be a problem as it can lead you to lose your confidence. Instead, it is advisable to leave very little for the last moment and stay calm and confident.
While it is true that these examinations play a crucial part in deciding your career path, unnecessary pressure and panic can make the situation more difficult. The advisable thing to do is to do the best in your capacity and attempt the paper with a calm mind.