How To Implement Highly Engaging Blended Learning in Higher Education
Learning structures in today’s times are not as rigid as they used to be. There are no restrictions on where or who you can learn from. Since the introduction of online education, learning is not bound by uncompromised, hectic college hours. Today, digital learning has excelled to the point that it is considered mandatory by most individuals as well as educational institutes. And for higher education, it is believed that blended learning can give you more scope than offline or online learning can give you individually.
There was a time when we thought that, in terms of blended learning, we could go as far as using calculators in classrooms. But now the integration of offline and online learning has gone beyond many unpredictable scopes.
Higher education is a crucial phase in the academic years. Hence, it’s relevant for learners as well as teachers to combine traditional and digital learning methods. When it comes to online learning, most of the responsibility falls on the learners. But when integrated with offline learning, one can have a multidimensional approach to studying.
Here’s how teachers can implement highly engaging blended learning in higher education.
Decide on a learning model
You can use different learning methods for blended teaching. They all have different objectives and benefits. You can choose one that fits well for your students or your class.
- Lab Rotation: You can dedicate specific time for lab learning as it gives students an opportunity for experiential learning.
- Flex Learning: The flex learning method gives students a chance to work with the teachers on digital courses while simultaneously receiving personal mentorship.
- Flip Rotation: Through this learning method, students are first introduced to concepts at home through online learning, and the same is discussed or practiced in offline classrooms.
Create customized learning patterns
Every student is different. They have different goals, different approaches and objectives towards learning. You can give them an opportunity for blended learning through online sources. You can assign individual or group learning projects. You can introduce your students to resources that best suit their interests. They get the advantage of studying at their own pace, at their own time, and also receiving face-to-face guidance through offline learning.
Use multimedia tools
The best part about digital education is that it is driven by creative and innovative learning methods. While the traditional book and pen are still celebrated, using multimedia tools like VR, case studies, audio-video, AR games, etc., has proven to complement their learning abilities. It helps build better recall and gives a chance for students to learn through interactive methods.
Assign online research and coursework
While the learning may occur in classrooms, you can give students a chance to go beyond their boundaries by assigning more online research, homework, and projects. This gives them an opportunity to learn independently, explore on their own, and use more digital resources to educate themselves.
Encourage independent learning
Speaking of independent learning, you can introduce students to concepts and information through offline learning and encourage them to use digital learning solutions for advanced learning. This helps you, students, to find your own direction and come back to the classrooms with a lot more information to ponder. Independent learning gives students the chance to build and follow a schedule on their own. During higher education, students tend to indulge in as many learning activities as possible. Independent learning will give them a chance to keep up with it at their own will and prioritize their choices better.
Hold both online and offline discussions
Digital learning is very diverse, and so are the interests of students. Encouraging them to share their offline and online learning in both environments will bring diversity to learning. Face-to-face and online discussions each have their own benefits. Different learning methods can help students figure out the ones that benefit them the most. Having open discussions about the same will make students discuss their concepts, doubts, and ideas in an offline classroom. This gives you a better vision of how to integrate blended teaching that helps your students in the best way possible.
Pearson’s digital learning solutions are designed for blended learning. Their resources include many learning methods that can be integrated into classrooms or the curriculum. It includes course books, question banks, mock tests, homework, and projects that students can pursue independently and discuss the same in the classroom. Their interactive learning comprises many practical case studies that give students an opportunity to enhance their critical thinking. Pearson’s digital learning solutions offer a wholesome experience of blended learning.