Education blog by Pearson India

  • How To Develop 21st Century Skills through Blended Learning

    Blended learning can be defined as an approach to education that blends online educational materials and opportunities for interaction online with traditional classroom-based learning methods. Blended learning promotes knowledge and skill with the combination of face to face and online study methods, while conventional method deals in the only face to face system study methods. Furthermore, both blended and conventional learning are known to possess similar methods, structure, content, strategy and learning activities.

    The ever-changing world and technological advancement have increased the demand for technical skills. In order to provide it, educators must evaluate their role in the classroom and determine if their curriculum is designed to help students become successful and develop the required skills in this environment. Educators in the 21st century are guiding students with the help of blended learning in dealing with massive amounts of content, to develop the skills and knowledge necessary to use technology as an effective tool in a responsible manner, and to assist students with developing their own learning styles.

    Developing 21st-century skills through blended learning:

    Blended learning refers to an amalgamation of the best features concerned with face-to-face and online learning.

    Interaction: Interactive studies are performed for the students in the classroom, while virtual sessions filled with multimedia-rich content can be accessed by students anywhere and anytime with only an internet connection. These exercises aim to provide different modes of content delivery to encourage interactions, acquisition of knowledge and skills through physical classrooms, and continuation of the learning processes through online methods. Numerous educational activities and assignments which were performed in physical classrooms are now efficiently being held through online or electronic means. With various forums, online groups and communities created through a blended learning atmosphere, students can interact with their peers and communicate. This kind of interaction and open communication often leads to the development of several social and interpersonal skills.

    Communication: Student-to-student communications and reflections are encouraged by the options of reporting and presenting these projects in an e-learning environment. With the help of blended learning, the teachers can set clear directions and realistic goals for individuals for collective tasks. Communication helps in the improvement and motivation of learners, academic achievement, teamwork, skill acquisition, etc. Students are also awarded diverse opportunities for the extension of knowledge beyond the classroom through online learning efforts. The communication also results in the engagement of students which leads to better information and feedback on work. When communications happen online through the channels of blended learning the students become more aware of their online presence and position which leads to the development of 'netiquette skills', a combination of the words network and etiquette defined as a set of rules for acceptable online behaviour.

    Activities: Another way blended learning help students develop skills is through interactive activities. Blended learning provides the students with various opportunities and time flexibility to interact, communicate, present, work in groups, discuss, share ideas, and resources at any location. This results in the intense training and promotion of soft skills including communication, IT, time management, problem-solving, research skills, and teamwork. The interactive activities also intensely assist in the achievement of higher academic success. This way students who get exposed to blended learning activities obtain more of the 21st-century skills including soft skills and hard skills.

    With the help of the above methods, students can make the most of the blended learning model and develop 21st-century skills. The advent and rise of blended learning can be used in the most effective way for learning new skills and acquiring knowledge.

    Pearson offers a similar learning platform for students by fulfilling the above points. With the Pearson K-12 learning program, you can get your hands on a Blended ecosystem. It contains ActiveTeach that blends digital content with print content, ActiveApp, a one-touch destination for learning anytime and anywhere, and a comprehensive range of textbooks and learning material from pre-primary to class 12th. Click here to know more. 

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  • 5 Main Benefits of Digital Libraries for Higher Education

    Libraries have always been a crucial part of the learning process. One can describe the library as a centrally organized set consisting of resources that include an entire spectrum of different types of media (text, video, hypermedia) as well as human services. When we think about libraries, the first thing that comes to mind is the physical components such as space, equipment, storage, racks full of books and other academic material.

    No one can deny the role reading play in the life of students. Since digitization has taken over most of the components in school learning and higher education, learning through digital libraries is not a thing of the past anymore. The decline in visits to conventional libraries suggests that students prefer to access information and read content without visiting a library in person.

    While many libraries and universities are digitizing their materials to be accessible to members and the general public, let us take a look at the main benefits of digital libraries for higher education:

    1. Instant access to resources: There is no luxury such as having access to abundant knowledge and relevant information pertaining to specific subjects. A Digital library cuts short the time and effort one would put into visiting a conventional library and finding the right book. With options like in-built content search with only a few keywords or titles, searching for what you need from thousands of resources becomes easy.
    2. No physical boundaries: Accessing the digital library is much easier and efficient, unlike a conventional library, students don't have to check the opening and closing hours to plan their visits; with just an internet connection, you can access a digital library anytime, anywhere. Digital libraries provide the students with the convenience of learning at their own comfort. Students can access and read the library materials in various digital formats (eBooks, audiobooks, videos on demand 24 hrs/day) anytime and anywhere using their preferred devices.
    3. Preservation of resources: Conventional libraries need to invest heavily in the maintenance and preservation of library resources. The physical library resources are accessed and reused by readers regularly, where it becomes difficult to prevent the deterioration of books, vinyl records, cassette tapes and other resources. Whereas with digital libraries, the content is digitized, and the digital resources are accessible to a large number of readers regularly without focusing on the preservation of physical materials.
    4. Real-Time Interactions: One of the main benefits of using the digital library is that students can clarify their doubts then and there with new-age management software that can facilitate interaction between readers and administrators. The readers can also interact by setting up online communities and find a resolution to their doubts in real-time. This dynamic and real-time interaction feature has the potential to make the readers switch from conventional libraries to digital libraries.
    5. Updated information: Digital libraries help you access the updated resources with the latest technology available, the conventional libraries may fall behind in purchasing the latest editions of books, magazines, and other content resources. But digital libraries in higher education institutes or organizations can update the digital library regularly. Many publishers these days allow digital libraries to make the latest editions and magazines accessible to the readers based on the pay-as-you-read model. Hence, digital libraries help engage readers by providing access to the latest publications.

    The above benefits will help you see the increasing importance and necessity of digital libraries for higher education in the age of technological advancement and digitization.

    If you are looking forward to enjoying a seamless learning experience with 24/7 access to a wide collection of eBooks and digital learning resources, click here to access Pearson eLibrary, a comprehensive digital learning solution to empower learners across all disciplines. And access your course books at your convenience, from anywhere, on any device.  

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  • 5 reasons why online learning solutions are the future of higher education

    This generation has experienced some monumental changes in the form of remote or online learning. Schools and other higher educational institutions are collaborating with many online learning solutions providers to create an immersive learning experience for their students with accessible and customised learning tools.

    With new technologies catering to the educational needs of students, it’s safe to say that being physically present in a classroom is no longer the only option. As long as you have access to the internet and a smartphone or computer, it is possible to access education as desired. Technology has enabled unprecedented accessibility, availability, and mobility of education.

    Online learning is providing students and educators with the opportunity to upskill and be prepared to lead in their profession with the skills of technology integration for all aspects of learning and teaching.

    Let's take a look at why online learning solutions are the future of higher education:

    Customised experience: One of the best features of online learning solutions is the personalised experience students can get. Studying with the help of online learning solutions can prove to be flexible for each student’s requirements and address the concerns around the learning ability level. Students can get access to all sorts of digital content such as videos, photos, and eBooks. The tutors can also integrate other formats like forums or discussions to improve their lessons. And this extra content can be available anytime, anywhere, which will offer the students a more dynamic and tailor-made learning experience.

    Accessibility: The significant reason behind the success of online learning solutions is that they are easily accessible and provide tremendous flexibility in terms of scheduling lessons and studying at one’s own pace. It has been very clear since the COVID-19 pandemic that there is a huge requirement of digital learning and virtual learning mediums for school students since the use of digital learning tools is increasing day by day, and a significant percentage of them prefer online learning to traditional classrooms. The popularity of online learning solutions is constantly growing in the Indian market, and in other countries, hence they are successfully being implemented in the learning process.

    Interactive content: The increasing scope of digital learning, technological advancement in the field of education and availability of digital content over the internet has allowed teachers and educators to find more and more ways to interact with their students successfully and creatively via interactive and engaging content by simply adding eBooks, videos, online quizzes, infographics, and group discussions to the traditional learning approach. The online learning solutions can help traditional learning with multimedia content including photographs, VR maps, and 3D charts etc., this type of interactive content ultimately leads to better concentration and easier adaptation of the ideas and concepts.

    Helps in assessment: Testing the learning and assessing the results are crucial elements of the education system, be it traditional or online. Learning solutions perform this task very efficiently with the help of various tools and assessment parameters taking the evaluation process to another level. Good evaluations benefit both learners and teachers. They help teachers to evaluate the effectiveness of the course and training, the delivery of the knowledge, value output, the areas that need to be improved etc. It is important for the course to be engaging in order to increase motivation, focus, and concentration. Assessment helps as the ultimate continuation of this engagement to make learning more meaningful and impactful. Online learning solutions provide useful learner data while performing as effective learning tools for the audience.

    Cost-effective: A growing number of students learning online at the comfort of their homes has increased the use of online learning solutions and their demand. The online learning solutions are offering benefits in terms of flexibility and accessibility while saving time and money for the educational institutes by allowing easier enrolment of a larger number of students and providing a user-friendly, web-based environment. Not only educators but also the learners are saving their time and money in commuting in order to focus on online classes and show a better academic performance.

    These are only a few reasons why online learning solutions are the future of higher education. Online learning solutions can see exponential growth in the near future.

    Pearson offers future proof online school learning solutions for students. With the Pearson K-12 learning program, you can get your hands on a Blended ecosystem. It contains ActiveTeach that blends digital content with print content, ActiveApp, a one-touch destination for learning anytime and anywhere, and a comprehensive range of textbooks and learning material from pre-primary to class 12th. 

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  • NEP 2020: Challenges and Opportunities for Teachers

    On the 11th of June 2014 Narendra Modi made his first speech in the Parliament as the Prime Minister. He had spoken for slightly more than an hour and during his speech he spoke for nearly seven minutes on education. That vision of the PM has come true through the National Education Policy 2020 (NEP). Mr. Modi had made it clear that education will have the less privileged children as its first priority and the teachers would be centre-stage. He also made it clear that technology would be honed to reach out to the hitherto unreached. The NEP 2020 fulfils his vision of 21st Century education in India.

    During 2015 to 2019 a lot of emphasis was given on the use of technology in education and at the nucleus was the teacher. The Government of India established its own massive open online platform by the name of SWAYAM and also launched its bouquet of thirty two educational television channels by the name of Swayam Prabha. Any teacher from anywhere can design his/her own course and place it on the SWAYAM, and learners from anywhere in the country or abroad can take the course. This initiative was a precursor of the Pandemic which hit the world in 2020. Geographical boundaries have been removed and the teacher has the freedom to become a global teacher. On the one hand it brought a great opportunity to the teachers but it also has brought great challenge. The competition for teachers has increased manifold. The competition is no more with the teachers in the school or the town but from any or all teachers of the world. Now every teacher has the opportunity to teach to a real global classroom but the challenge is to be the best otherwise the student can exit anytime. The opportunity to perform and be recognised is unlimited but the competition is also equally unlimited.

    The Policy has committed to provide opportunity to students with aptitude for teaching through a nationwide test to enter teaching profession and also provide scholarships, especially to women who want to enter the teaching profession. Section 5.2. of NEP says “To ensure that outstanding students enter the teaching profession – especially from rural areas – a large number of merit based scholarships shall be instituted across the country for studying quality 4-year integrated B.Ed. programmes.” The teacher education program may be long, of four year duration but all would be supported to pursue the training. Conjoined with the pre-service training will be continuous professional development. Ours is the only profession where individual excellence counts. NEP provides the opportunity to continuously grow and become better teachers. Coordination between Boards has been poor. To fill that gap a central agency will be established to coordinate between Boards. The Central Cabinet has approved the formation of a body by the name of PARAKh on the 14th of October 2020. 

    The major challenges would be to:

    • Become lifelong learners;
    • Keep in touch with the disciplinary knowledge as learners will have access to the latest information online;
    • Learn new technologies regularly as every machine is updated every few months;
    • Degrees won’t matter much but the performance will count;
    • Compete with global teaching community to remain relevant.

    The Ministries - Central and States; have been regulating and deciding on issues related to schooling whereas it should be done by the experts and professionals. Section 8.2. of the NEP says “At present, all main functions of governance and regulation of the school education system … are handled by a single body, i.e., the Department of School Education or its arms. This leads to conflict of interest and excessive centralised concentration of power.” The NEP it is clear intends to take school education out of the Ministry of Education and put it in the hands of the professionals. The school leaders, who have had little say in school administration will hopefully have more say, rather will be in control of the schools. The policy commits to have the teachers and school leaders centre-stage. Section 5.1 says “Teachers truly shape the future of our children – and, therefore, the future of our nation. … The high respect for teachers and the high status of the teaching profession must be restored so as inspire the best to enter the teaching profession.” It’s time for the teachers to express themselves. What should change? Teachers must have their disciplinary as well as professional associations, which NEP also desires to establish. Indian teachers have not been able to form vibrant associations. The teachers and the school leaders must become opinion leaders as well and put forth their views on what should change in schooling. There is very little publication from the school leaders.

    Teachers and especially school leaders should think and express on various platforms verbally and in print, their opinion about revamping school education. All must together demand for an independent regulatory body for school education which should be independent of the Central as well as the State governments on the lines of the University Grants Commission. This may be called the School Education Commission.

    All the best.

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  • Tips for Last Month Preparation of JEE Advanced 2021

    Joint Entrance Examination – Advanced, is an academic examination held annually in India for the aspirants seeking admission in one of the premier IITs. JEE Advanced 2021, earlier scheduled to be held on 3rd July 2021, got postponed to 3rd October 2021 due to the prevailing Covid-19 situation. The dates related to registration and downloading admit cards can be fetched through the official website.

    With only a few days to prepare, you must plan carefully so that you can cover the entire syllabus right before the exam. Take a look at last month preparation tips for JEE advanced:

    Plan it out:

    It is always a better idea to plan your studies before. Although only planning does not help if you cannot execute it properly, try to put small goals so that the execution becomes easy. It is crucial to plan your studies by making short term goals for the next 2-3 days only. Don’t plan for the next 2 weeks or 1 month. Very rarely, these long goals get executed as planned. Make targets for what you want to cover in the next 2-3 days and try to follow and achieve them with your best efforts.

    Know the pattern and syllabus:

    Understanding the pattern and syllabus of the exam is very crucial for any entrance examination. When you are familiar with the weightage of even a single mark, marking scheme, questions weightage and types of questions, you can push your preparation in the right direction. When you are this close to the exam, preparing beyond the scope of the syllabus will not help you. Thus, following the prescribed syllabus is sufficient to crack the exam.

    Solve previous papers:

    Try to solve as many question banks and previous years’ question papers as you can to get an idea of the paper pattern. Solving old papers will help you become self-aware of the question patterns and improve your performance. It can also help you understand the difficulty level of the exam.

    Assessment and review:

    You must acquaint yourself with the online mode of the examination and practice the same by solving online mock tests to become exam ready. With the help of these tests, you can improve your speed and accuracy. You can also analyse your preparation level and assess yourself to find your weaknesses and strengths.

    Practice and revise:

    When you are weeks away from the examination, 'practice and revise' should become your Mantra. Try using different approaches to practice and revise. You can make concept maps of each subject for quick revisions. Using flashcards and diagrams can also aid in improving memory and remembering the concepts, formulas, and facts effectively. Taking JEE Advanced mock tests is also a good tool to get used to the exam pattern, type of question, difficulty level of exam, revise and recall the learnt concepts.

    Stay fit and focused:

    The preparation process tends to drain students. So, while you work hard, it is essential to take small breaks and recharge yourself. Apart from studying you must also maintain good health. Taking at least six hours of sleep is advisable. Try to maintain good hygiene and have a proper diet. You cannot afford to fall sick and lose your focus as this is the time to give your best. So, don’t forget to look after your physical health and mental health.

    Refresh yourself and relax:

    While it is important to practice and revise during the last month of your exam, it is equally crucial to refresh your mind and body with some recreational activity like taking a walk or playing for at least 30 mins. You can also perform yoga or meditation in order to relax and maintain focus.

    It is always better to keep a positive attitude while preparing in the last month of the exam and keep the above tips in mind to help you in planning for the remaining few days of the examination.

    Know more about a one-stop comprehensive and reliable content targeted for both Advanced and Main levels of JEE, click here and get familiar with the Pearson JEE Advanced Series. The series introduces the concepts of Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics in a clear, concise, thorough, and easy-to-understand language. 

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  • UGC NET 2021: Exam Preparation Tips and Important Books

    University Grants Commission National Eligibility Test exam or UGC NET exam is an eligibility exam for candidates appearing for Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) and/ or the post of Assistant Professor in Indian universities and colleges. It is conducted by National Testing Agency (NTA).

    The NET exam is divided into 2 papers. Paper-I is General Aptitude and Paper-II is subject-specific. With only a few weeks remaining to the exam, it is extremely important to have the right UGC NET preparation strategy to ensure success. Though the test is one of the toughest exams in the country, candidates can use some tips to help them perform better. Check out the following tips and important books you can use during preparation:

    Understand your syllabus:

    The first step towards efficient exam preparation is getting familiar with the UGC NET exam pattern and syllabus. UGC NET exam is conducted in two sessions (Paper 1 & 2). Paper 1 will contain general aptitude questions, and paper 2 will be of the concerned subject.You are required to go through UGC NET Syllabus thoroughly. Understand the syllabus completely and prepare each topic accordingly.

    Solve mock tests & question papers:

    Since UGC NET is an online exam, candidates should practise as many mock tests as possible to get familiar with the exam pattern. In addition, it is also crucial to attempt previous years’ UGC NET question papers, as it can give you the real look and feel of the exam, improve your time management skills, help you judge your weak areas and improve accordingly.


    Revision is the most crucial practice in your preparation journey. You have not revised properly and timely, whatever you have studied in the whole can vanish. Hence, revising whatever you have studied at specific intervals is essential. Revision helps you keep the learning intact while preparing for not just the UGC NET, but any other exam as well.

    Make notes:

    Preparing quick short notes is a very effective practice while preparing for the UGC NET exam. For this, you must write down and highlight important points regularly and prepare notes of all difficult topics. Writing note also helps in remembering things easily.

    Time Management:

    Time Management plays a crucial role in UGC NET preparation. It is essential to properly manage time while preparing for the exam and during the exam time. The exam score is a combination of preparation and execution. Hence, the study needs the support of time management for you to utilize your learning and attempt maximum questions during the exam with utmost concentration and focus. 

    Avoid Silly Mistakes:

    "To err is human". It is only natural for human beings to make mistakes and learn from them. But sometimes, silly mistakes are avoidable, and you can learn how to avoid these silly mistakes during your UGC NET preparation so that you do not make the same mistakes during exams. Some avoidable mistakes are - Reading the questions in a hurry, not understanding the question, spending more time on one question, misunderstanding the format of the test etc.

    Stay Updated with current affairs:

    It is important to stay updated with the current affairs and recent news which can be asked in the UGC NET exam, and most importantly candidates must have detailed knowledge about their concerned UGC NET Subject.

    Important books:

    You will find several books available in the market for the UGC NET exam preparation. Some of these are - Trueman's UGC NET/SET General Paper I, NTA UGC NET/SET/JRF Paper I: Teaching and Research Aptitude by Pearson, UGC NET/SET Paper 1 by McGraw Hill Education etc. You may choose the ones that help you prepare more comprehensively and concisely.

    The above preparation tips will help you in your UGC NET exam preparation, and by following the above-given tips, you can easily revise your course in the right way.

    To know more about the study material that clears concepts in a concise and comprehensive manner, click here and get ahead in your preparation journey with Pearson’s UGC NET courseware. Prepared by leading expert faculties, designed, and categorized to help learners to master step-by-step learning and practicing a wide range of topics systematically and help you achieve your desired score in UGC NET/SET/JRF Paper 1 and Paper 2. 

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  • Developing a trained and highly skilled workforce with vocational learning

    We witnessed in recent times how the global economy went through a turbulent state, forcing thousands of people out of their jobs. Many of them never focus on hands-on skills in other trades available across the globe. People who have a skill-based education or training tend to be more employable. This need for skill-based education gave rise to vocational education or training. Vocational training focuses on improving technical skills for a specific job or trade. It offers you practical knowledge in contrast to theoretical knowledge by the traditional formal education system. By learning about various vocational courses, one can choose the right one for their career growth and development.

    What is vocational learning?

    Vocational learning may contain instructional programs or courses that prepare you for a profession that requires a specialised skill, such as a technician, artisan, or tradesperson. It may involve imparting classroom instructions, hands-on training, or a combination of both. Secondary and higher secondary education in India usually comprises one or two vocational subjects. Still, real vocational learning happens outside the formal education system, and it often leads to a certification or a diploma. You may also undergo vocational learning directly as an apprentice or a trainee with or without any formal qualification.

    Benefits of vocational learning:

    Vocational learning helps in developing a trained and highly skilled workforce, its benefits help in job training and career preparation.

    • Development of skill for employability:
      Vocational learning plays a crucial role in skill development and employability. The importance of vocational development can be summed up as the difference between theoretical knowledge and practical skills. In non-vocational studies, students often spend hours of their time exploring a variety of subjects, and as a result, they lack practical knowledge. However, the students who opt for vocational learning get to spend more time in the practical workshops, learning hands-on practical skills related to their chosen field.
    • Graduating with work skills to add value to the education:
      Every employer looks for new employees who have the required skills to do the job well and adapt quickly to the work environment. Businesses spend a significant amount of money trying to hire new employees, as they must go through a training process and expect that there will be a learning curve for the employee on a new job.
    • Opportunity to build a strong social network while learning:
      Everyone knows how important it is to have a strong network that can play a direct role in finding a job and building a successful career. Vocational learning provides students with an excellent opportunity to build a strong network which further enhances their learning experience with their professional careers. The various practical projects and coursework provide ample chances to develop better and closer relationships with classmates, professors and professionals working in the particular trade.
    • Finding employment after graduation:
      Many graduates struggle to find employment immediately after graduation. Students from a vocational learning background have the experience to list on their resume so that the employers can know that they have a significant portion of the training they need. Often, graduates start building a professional network through their job placements and internships.

    Vocational learning and education pave the way for the learners to gain new skills and become efficient with consistent training.

    Pearson understands the value of vocational education to develop a trained and highly skilled workforce and offers Pearson BTEC- a progressive framework of vocational courses and globally renowned qualifications. From fundamental learning to professional courses at the postgraduate level, BTEC offers practical, hands-on learning experiences with necessary skills for every step of the way. Click here to know more about Pearson BTEC and opens doors to diverse career opportunities globally with real-life skills.

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  • Last-Minute Preparation Tips & Tricks for NEET Exam 2021

    National Eligibility cum Entrance Test (NEET) is one of the toughest medical entrance examinations conducted in India. It is conducted by the National Testing Agency (NTA) for admission to undergraduate (MBBS/BDS/Aayush Courses) every year. As per the Government of India, it is a mandated requirement to qualify NEET Exam to study medical courses in India and abroad.

    Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, NEET has been pushed forward to September 2021, from May 2021. The decision received a mixed reaction from the students.

    Nonetheless, with only a few days remaining to the examination, the pressure to perform well in the exam is rising in the students. To help you navigate the NEET preparation in these last few days, here are some

    Tips and tricks that you can use while preparing for the exam:


    This is it! You have come a long way in your preparation journey, so the first thing you can do is prepare in a relaxed mood. You have studied months and years for this, have had hectic and stressful days, but being relaxed now, will only make you more focused and less paranoid. 

    Make a revision schedule:

    This limited time can be best utilized by revising the difficult topics, concepts, formulae that you have already prepared. Making a practical revision plan for each subject can be highly helpful in achieving great results. Always try and focus on understanding the concepts rather than mugging them up. 

    Revise while preparing:

    At this point, multitasking should come easy to you, so considering the time crunch, revising the topics on the next day of the preparation is a good idea to boost confidence. For example, if you have studied a particular topic today, revise that topic tomorrow during the second half of your day. This activity also helps you a lot in last week revisions. 

    Avoid distractions:

    Since only a few days are remaining to the exam, nothing should be more crucial to you than dedicating most of your time towards the preparations. Avoid all the distractions and get into your shell. Try to achieve all your daily preparation and revision goals. 

    Attempt Full-length Mocks:

    A lot of energy is needed to take the three-hour-long NEET exam. Familiarize yourself with the exam pattern and measure your progress with full-length mock tests to make yourself better in the examination. Also, work on the previous years' question papers to get the gist of the flow and pattern of questions. 

    Analyse your progress and mistakes:

    Everyone makes mistakes while preparing, and we learn from those mistakes to avoid them in future. Taking the mock test is of no use if you aren't working on your mistakes. Assess the progress of your preparation through online mock tests and clear topic-wise doubts.  Try to devote at least 20 minutes to identify and rectify your mistakes made during the mock tests.

    Maintain a Healthy Diet:

    Don't let it come to you as a shock that why would you need to have a healthy diet to prepare better for the exam. You must be strong and healthy while facing the examination, which is only possible with a healthy diet to get physical and mental fitness. Eat iron-containing foods and foods containing vitamin B to help boost your brain by providing the nutrients it needs. 

    Exercise regularly:

    The aim is to reduce stress by doing regular exercise. Regular exercise or physical activities such as taking a walk, swimming, running, etc., can reduce stress significantly by releasing the natural feel-good chemicals. It will help you to be happier and more productive. Switch to a healthy diet and do meditation and yoga exercises for better concentration.

    Last day tips:

    - Check your admit card

    - Information Brochure of NEET for the time of entry

    - Check the dress code

    - Get a good night’s sleep 

    - Have plenty of water and light food

    - Reach the exam centre well before time

    Keep a positive attitude

    Last but not least, keep a positive attitude. Your attitude determines the effectiveness of your learning process. Having a negative approach will make things difficult. The moment you start thinking positively, your brain will show better creativity and efficiency. The right mindset will also make you feel less anxious and more open to new ideas.

    Making mistakes and learning from them is a part of the process but keeping the above tips and tricks in mind will help you in planning for the remaining few days of the most sought-after medical entrance examination.

    Know more about a one-stop comprehensive and reliable content targeted for NEET, click here and get familiar with Pearson NEET Foundation Series. The series provides a perfect blend of learning through comprehensive theory and a variety of exercises in line with CBSE and NEET patterns. 

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  • 5 Mistakes That Students Make in JEE Advanced Preparation

    To obtain a seat in India's prestigious engineering institutes, such as IITs and NITs, you must get an exceptionally good Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) score. More than 10 lakh candidates appear for the JEE Mains, and about only 23% of candidates get shortlisted for the next stage of the selection process, i.e., JEE Advanced. 

    The reason behind the low number is not just the lack of preparation but also the mistakes made by students during their preparation. It is normal to be anxious but there are certain common mistakes most JEE aspirants commit during the JEE advanced preparation that makes all the difference in the score. 

    Let's have a look at some of the mistakes students make in JEE Advanced preparation:

    Not solving doubts:

    It is only normal and perhaps good to have doubts this phase of your preparations, but it is very necessary to get them resolved or else they will only weigh in and build tension. Students should try to solve any doubt they may have as early as possible. Students can make use of the resources they have to analyse their mock test scores for any mistakes or uncleared concepts, then freely approach the classroom and talk to teachers to clear doubts.

    Not revising:

    Revision is a crucial part of the preparation, hence not revising or keeping revision at the very end of the preparation is a mistake. Revision is an opportunity to evaluate and analyse preparation, check the mistakes, and learn strong and weak points. Revising the whole syllabus at the end is very time consuming; hence, students must divide their time and spend it wisely on their weak areas to improve that part. It is advisable to revise on a weekly basis to retain maximum learning, as science is one subject that requires complete understanding and memorising things.

    Selective focus:

    One of the mistakes students make is studying selectively. Studying for hours, focusing on the topics or subjects they like and ignoring the ones they do not. Some students make the mistake of only focusing on their ‘pet subject’ or revising topics that they are familiar with. But doing so only makes it harder and harder to build competence on subjects they find to be tough. 

    Not analysing their performance:

    While students build a strong conceptual foundation, they often forget to test their understanding by practising problems and taking frequent tests. Timed mock tests push students to solve complex problems and closely follow the examination pattern of the JEE. With these tests, they can learn to recognise and avoid traps laid by examiners. But while doing this, they must not forget to analyse their performance after each test so they can learn from their mistakes. Looking closely at where they went wrong and making a note of silly mistakes may prove to be invaluable in their preparation. 

    Ignoring health:

    One mistake students make which may cost them their preparation, is not taking good care of their health. It is very important to be healthy physically and mentally to retain the learning and keep a sound mind during preparations. Students should keep some time aside for leisure activities, a walk or engage in some exercise to refresh their mind. 

    The above common mistakes students should avoid during their JEE Advanced preparations. 

    To help the students develop a thorough understanding of Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics Pearson has brought an updated edition of the JEE Advanced book series. Click here and know more about the series that introduces the concepts of Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics in a clear, concise, thorough and easy-to-understand language. 

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  • 6 Must-Have Habits Which Will Help You Crack UPSC Exam

    UPSC exam or better known as The Civil Services Examination is a nationwide competitive examination conducted by the Union Public Service Commission to recruit candidates for higher Civil Services of the Government of India. It is considered to be one of the toughest examinations in India, and cracking it is no easy task. However, with dedicated planning, preparation, and proper habits, you can achieve this herculean task too.

    Let's take a look at some of the must-have habits which will help you crack the UPSC exam:


    Planning may prove to be one of the most crucial habits you can develop while preparing for the UPSE exam. The syllabus of the UPSE examination is vast, and one cannot handle it without proper planning about how much time and attention each subject should get. The planning also includes dividing the subjects into more manageable parts. With planning comes the execution part, which is just as important an aspect of planning. Planning should become a familiar aspect for the aspirant, from planning a timetable to planning a daily, weekly, and monthly study goal, it should become a part of the lifestyle. 


    One thing that cannot be stressed enough in order for you to achieve your goal of cracking the UPSE exam is PRACTICE! Make a habit of practising whatever you have learned while the concepts are fresh to make them stronger than before. With practice, you can assess your level of understanding and perception of the core concepts. Thoroughly practise mock tests for both Prelims and Mains to get a fair idea of question framing, difficulty levels, and time management.

    Developing writing skills:

    Good writing skills are very important for cracking the UPSE examination. Aspirants mainly focus upon the preliminary examinations, which is an objective type test. But in the long-term, developing writing skills is a must as the main examination is a traditional subjective test for which answers have to be written in text. Therefore, if you are serious about clearing the mains examination, you should start developing your writing skills from the prelims stage. Make a habit of writing at least 1000 words daily and make the writing precise, relevant to the topic with neat handwriting. This is a must-have habit among all UPSC aspirants.

    Reading newspapers:

    You may be familiar with this because newspaper reading is required to answer the current affairs questions. Many questions that are asked in the examinations come directly from the newspapers. Hence, it is very crucial to read newspapers daily to crack the UPSE exam. Budding aspirants should make this a habit during their preparation period.

    Maintaining a healthy lifestyle:

    Maintaining a healthy and disciplined lifestyle is very necessary in order to prepare for the UPSE examination. It does not mean breaking all ties with the social world, but having a life with fewer distractions, a healthy diet, a proper sleep cycle and regular exercise is a prerequisite to excel in the preparations. Develop such habits that will encourage healthy life choices and complement your preparation process.


    Aspirants should develop a daily routine to indulge in healthy and quality discussions with their peers, teachers, and coaching instructors. Quality discussions should focus upon a topic so everyone can look at it from different perspectives and back them with verified data available in the public domain. Discussions are a great way of gathering differing points of view and necessary information on any given topic.

    The above habits will benefit your preparation and help you crack the UPSE exam.

    ow find your path to a successful finish in the highly competitive Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) exams with the help of study aids and exam preparation books in various formats online, choose the best UPSC prelims preparation books, mains preparation books and more at the best prices with Pearson. Remove your fear of UPSC exams and stay ahead in your preparation with the help of Pearson UPSE preparation books. 

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