Education blog by Pearson India

  • How to prepare for numeric entry type questions?

    You need to have fundamentals in place. You must work to have an excellent grasp of the concepts about any topic/chapter and you should remember all the formulae as well because, if you are stuck while solving any question, you won’t have the given options like in MCQs to help you out with your answers. So, you need to remember everything to get the (+ 4) marks you will have the leverage to attempt them without any tension because of the NO negative (-0) marking.

    PractisePractice the numerical based questions as much as you can. JEE Advanced has already included integer and numeric type questions in the exam pattern. You can  get the previous year’s question papers and accelerate your preparation. Just go and try solving all of those. You should also get the practice papers, mock tests, and test series. Try to solve as many of them as you can to prepare well for the exam.

    For smart studies, you can also pick the chapters from which most of the numerical, integer type questions have been asked in JEE Advanced previous years’ papers. yYou can focus more on them for numerical based questions. Especially for Chemistry, most of the numerical type questions are prepared from the Physical Chemistry (as it is numerical based). Hence, it is easy to frame the questions based on Physical Chemistry. Some questions are also framed based on a few chapters from Organic Chemistry like Stereochemistry. In Mathematics and Physics, questions can be framed from any chapter/topic. However, you should still go through the previous year’s papers to get an idea about the prominent chapter/topic, based on which the numeric entry type questions are framed.

    Here is an example of how the question would appear on the screen.

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  • Civil Services General Studies Paper-4 Analysis

    Union Public Service Commission in 2013 decided to make a change in the Civil Services Mains Syllabus by removing one optional and bringing four General Studies papers including the exam of Ethics, Integrity and Aptitude.

    The moot idea behind the inclusion of this paper was not to multifold the syllabus for the aspirants but to inculcate a sense of responsiveness to different, dilemmatic and abstruse circumstances. Life can never go smooth, it is a mosaic of multi-faceted challenges which bang the door when most unexpected. The intensity of tension rises when an administrator must fight with the existing as well as new challenges to serve the public. Civil Services, at no cost means to be carried away by the power and prestige associated with the post. It is about the service, an extension of assistance to the distressed and visioning a change for society.

    After analyzing, plunge in moral values amongst the civil servants, an idea was mooted to include a full-fledged General Studies exam aiming at enhancing the personality of the candidates who are at the verge of becoming civil servant. Therefore, the questions asked in this exam should be dealt differently by focusing as how would ‘you’ as an individual will respond to a given situation or what is ‘your’ perspective about a topic.

    In this year’s question paper, the questions tend to know the aptitude of the candidate through such questions as, “What are the basic principles of Public Life?”, “What do you understand by the term public servant? Reflect on the expected role of public servant?”

    If we decode the demand of the question, we can surely hit the bull’s eye by reaching next to accuracy. As in the question stated above, an aspirant must be clear with the simple concepts as what the meaning of public life is and how a public servant can perform those functions which are dedicated for welfare of the masses. Expecting great marks by answering in a non-conspicuous manner will yield less marks. Questions can seem simple, easy, non-complicated, general but, they test the ability of the candidate on specific lines therefore the approach should be concrete and consolidated.

    Question regarding the ‘non-performance’ of the duty is not about the meaning of non-performance of duty rather it seeks to know, what does the term ‘corruption’ mean to a civil services’ aspirant. One needs to understand the specific purpose as why this question has been asked and to which extent knowledge should be spewed in it.

    “A man is but the product of his thoughts. What he thinks, he becomes.” – M.K.Gandhi, this was a statement based question which required the knowledge of Gandhian Philosophy. But candidates who have mentioned the application part of this philosophy in daily lives would fetch more marks than the one who would have only written the philosophical aspect.

    Also, with respect to handling of the case studies, there must be an integrated approach to handle them with practical solutions backed by philosophies of great leaders, mentors, and administrators.

    Therefore, it is suggested to learn and understand the content of this paper through unconventional lenses which require a unique understanding as if how to overcome challenges, unleash potential and bring a difference in the lives of many.

    All the Best!
    Sherry A Singh
    Senior Editor- Acquisition Test Prep

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  • Civil Services General Studies Paper-2 Analysis

    Civil Services General Studies Paper-2 is a complex exam due to its integrated, closely knit and current oriented syllabus. There are very simple and straightforward conclusions which can be drawn from the paper. The points may sound cliched, monotonous and repetitive but they are secret to crack this exam.

    The most significant ones are as;

    1. Syllabus should never be taken be lightly. Each word mentioned in the syllabus should be examined carefully and whole study shall revolve around it. For instance, the first question regarding the ‘Constitution of India’, tries to know an aspirant’s basic understanding of the topics as, Balance of Power, Doctrine of Checks and balances, Parliamentary and Presidential form of government which are part of Indian Constitution.
    2. After exhausting every inch of syllabus, second step is of integrating the basic or static part with current affairs section. Let us have a glimpse of such question, “The Central Administrative Tribunal which was established for redressal of grievances and complaints by or against central government employees nowadays is exercising its powers as an independent judicial authority.” Explain. One must know about the Central Administrative Tribunal’ as it is a static part, but the question is how it is working these days which is current affairs.Therefore, current affairs is going to be soul of the complete preparation. Year on year the focus is shifting on ‘thought-provoking’ questions from simple know-how ones.
    3. Questions related to social development indicators demanded analytical solutions to the perpetual challenges which have marred the development of Indian society. The crucial topics like poverty, hunger, growth versus development are discussed perhaps in every living room. But UPSC is not trying to know the level of knowledge a candidate has but the aptitude with which he or she will act on those fronts after becoming a Civil Servant.
    4. International Relations related questions could not be answered without being regular with newspaper. Newspaper reading seems to be a time-consuming task, but it is the demand of the paper to write solutions to the present or upcoming threats or precarious situations where India’s involvement will be significant. And articles written in The Hindu or in The Indian Express tend to provide content for such questions. 

    Overall, this paper was a complete checklist which tried to know every tier of the preparation, from simple constitution related part to complex section involving both static and current affairs with some doctrines integrated with it.  So, while preparing for Civil Services aspirants must shred the bigoted ways of learning rather adoption of new, adoptive and dynamic approach towards the preparation will yield greater outcome. Learn to demystify what UPSC wants, the results will follow seamlessly.

    All the Best!

    Sherry A Singh

    Senior Editor- Acquisition Test Prep

    Check General Studies Paper 1 Ananlysis 

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  • Civil Services General Studies Paper-1 Analysis

    Civil Services Main Examination 2019 is over and has left most of the candidates in speculation. At this juncture it is pertinent to know and analyze the paper by examining one’s own performance. The beauty of this exam is it is subjective as well as relative. Excessive thinking about the results is sheer wastage of time. If you clear Main Exam, Personality Test will be the last leap but in case you fall out, next year is waiting. It can be a blessing in disguise as there will be more time to hone your skills and strengthen the weaker areas.

     Let us first try analyzing this year’s General Studies Paper-1;

    1.  Overall, the questions were thought provoking and demanded clarity of thought, concepts and good deal of understanding in each of the subjects prescribed in the syllabus.
    2. The questions such as ‘impact of global warming on coral life’ and ‘causes of depletion of mangroves and their importance in maintaining coastal life’ were direct questions from Environment. But the catch is how one attempts such questions. If the approach of writing was only limited to the environmental aspect of the question, then the marks will not be optimal. But if the answer carries geographical, environmental aspects supplemented with current affairs examples then no body can resist giving marks.
      This demands long writing practice before the final examination. Also, reading newspaper should be considered as an inevitable part of the preparation not as mere wastage of time.
    3. The questions tried to check the analytical ability of the candidate that whether he or she can give concrete answers to a given situation as in this question, “Can the strategy of regional-resource based manufacturing help in promoting employment in India?”
      This is YES or NO type of question. Candidates with great knowledge but limited writing skill will not be able to critically answer this question. The answer should carry a clear opinion based on current case studies, illustrations and examples associated with the dynamic aspect of the regional-resource based manufacturing. Simply, knowing about the regional-resource based manufacturing won’t help much.
    4. The questions on Art and Culture, Indian Society were also dynamic. For example: “What makes Indian Society unique in sustaining its culture?” It is again simple, easy and straight question. But the response in the answer must be crisp, exact and to the point. Beating around the bush will not help much. Such sort of writing insight comes from consistent reading and persistent writing.
    5. In Civil Services Main 2017, there was one question regarding mob violence, this year the question appeared in different manner as, “What are the challenges to our cultural practices in the name of secularism?”
      This question is asked in the wake of recent anti-social activities happening in the name of religion. The art of writing here comes to picture, stating every recent illegitimate and narrow nationalist activity taking place in the name of religion without blaming any individual or any section of society. Language of euphemism is required in order to handle such subtle and sensitive topics.
    6. There were few questions which were static as well as quite simple to answer but did not inspire reflection on the issue concerned.  Whereas most of the questions compelled the aspirant to express his/her views regarding the asked concept, as in question of identity crisis as ‘Local Identity’ and ‘Global Identity’ is another in the thought-provoking question list.

    To conclude, dynamism is the key point of the UPSC Civil Services Examination in recent years. This aspect is reflected in majority of the questions being asked. Confinement of study to only static topics, rot learning without adequate writing practice can never bear desired outcome. In order to become top scorer, the approach of learning through dynamic books becomes pertinent and significant, which not only enriches the resource content but also helps in knowing how to write the answers. 

    One such book ‘A History of Ancient India’ by Ajeet Jha provides a deep insight into the topics of Ancient India and Art and Culture with a special feature stating the right approach to attempt the questions.  Reading right books enriches mind, enhances knowledge and enables scoring great marks.

    All the best!

    Sherry A Singh
    Senior Editor- Acquisition Test Prep

    General Studies Paper 2 Ananlysis 

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  • 10 Tips to prepare Ancient Indian History for Prelims and Mains!

    Owing to the vast syllabus of Ancient Indian History, it becomes quite challenging for Civil Services’ aspirants to completely understand, comprehend and retain the complexities involved in the ancient Indian history. Also, many come under the spell of bandwagon effect of leaving this major pie of the syllabus, claiming less questions from this section. Even those who gird up their loins to bang on this major topic, focuses the preparation only from the Prelims point of view not from the Mains perspective. Let us try to analyze first why civil services’ aspirants need to take care of ancient Indian history in both Prelims and Mains.

    In the syllabus of Preliminary examination, it is categorically mentioned ‘History of India ‘which very well includes the ancient Indian history. But, in Main’s General Studies Paper-1 syllabus, the term ancient history is nowhere mentioned directly instead ‘Indian Heritage, art and culture from ancient till modern times is prescribed’. Any student can not understand the art and culture of any age, era or epoch till the time he/she is not aware of the societal and economical set up of that part of the history.

    Moreover, history is a chain of incidents, stories of victory and defeat, rise and fall of empires and events which marked the landmark changes in human life. Therefore, it always advisable to read and comprehend history from its beginning. Therefore, those who decide to chase their dream of serving the nation must go through an arduous journey and should cover very inch of this vast syllabus without leaving and speck or corner.

    Some famous myths popular amongst students for avoiding studying ancient Indian history;

    1. It is very time consuming as the syllabus of ancient Indian history is humongous and challenging to study and remember.
    2. It is wastage of time to focus on this as few questions appear from this section as well as this part holds no relevance in Main Examination.
    3. More weightage should be on Modern Indian History because maximum questions come from this chunk of the syllabus.

    It is true that studying ancient Indian History requires lots of patience and it is also complex to interlink and complete jigsaw puzzle to fully view the history in a kaleidoscopic view. There are some tips with which a candidate can study and learn ancient Indian history without any hiccup.

    1. Try to give a cursory glance at the table of contents first instead of jumping to chapter out rightly. This would give you an insight about what is going to be unfurled in coming pages.
    2. Avoid stressing yourself at the first stage of reading, just give a bird’s eye view and keep on marking the things which are new or difficult.
    3. The second reading will be more mature than the first one as while going through the chapters, one knows the challenging areas. Keep a note book along with for making small notes in case someone wants to.
    4. In the third round of the book, the clarity regarding concepts, incidents, regimes etc. will begin to emerge.
    5. At this level of Tier-3 learning start solving the previous years’ questions and through the process of backtracking start revising those topics which are marks resistant. There is no need to cram, mug up or forcibly fix the things into the frame.
    6. Once there is clarity of concepts, learning will be easy by default and excellence will pave way.
    7. It is advisable to start and finish one book of ancient history at a time. Sometimes, some aspirants keep on changing the resources in the search of finding the best one and they end up wasting time.
    8. Make small note of very important historical events which will be extremely helpful at the time of revision. Do not squirrel away notes so that they are out of reach when someone needs it at the hour of revision.
    9. Start interlinking all the parts of history with art and culture. Nothing happens or happened in vacuum. Each action is co-related with the other and has impact on society.
    10. ‘Study’ a subject not just ‘Read’! The scope of the term study is very wide in terms of understanding the topics so the UPSC says General Studies not General Knowledge. Study ignites thought, thought propels action and action results in creation of history.

    Just give a try to this novel way of learning Ancient History with our ‘A History of Ancient India’ by Ajeet Jha which is highly worked, widely researched and resource rich book on history of India’s glorious past. This book is supplemented with flowcharts, tables etc. at the end of every chapter which helps in taming this lofty syllabus. All the Best!

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  • Last minute tips for Civil Services Main Examination 2019

    The countdown has begun where each moment is leading towards the D-day.

    Stress, anxiety, pressure, expectations, hope, fear; such emotions may mar the complete preparation of aspirants. It is pertinent at this juncture to follow some critical tips to sail through the examination seamlessly.

    Here are some last-minute tips:

    1. Be confident
      Confidence is a virtue. It means striking a fine balance between being aimlessly ambitious and hopelessly helpless. Try to hammer out a condition of your mind where you know you can do it, if not this time, maybe next time.
    2. ‘Attempt’ is only a number
      Fear of exhausting number of attempts cause useless pain and agony. Also, the false prestige attached to qualify the paper in first attempt causes worthless pressure as well as the guilt for not being able to clear exam in second, third or fourth attempt leads to diminished self-worth.UPSC has given some number of attempts (more or less) to all candidates, considering the difficulty level of this whole journey of examination. So, try to make maximum of these attempts. Do not degrade yourself with the increasing number of attempts.
    3. Fear of failure
      Most commonly discussed, widely disseminated and categorically talked statement is ‘One should get rid of fear of failure’. Fearing the failure is not a negative sentiment, it is natural. But such negative thoughts drain energy. Therefore, instead of fearing the failure why not start visualizing the fruits of success. Shift your focus on more positive thoughts than on controlling unbearable negative thoughts.
    4. Health is Wealth
      Maintain your circadian rhythm. Keep yourself hydrated and avoid binging on junk food. Rest your body and mind. Read, revise and rest before the test.
    5. Stay Positive
      Try to energize yourself by thinking positive and hopeful about your result and future. Stay confident and motivated till the end

    All the best!

    Sherry A Singh
    Senior Editor Acquisition- Test Prep

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  • 5 Benefits to Improve English Language Skills

    For a bright future, it is quintessential to make most of your abilities, identify opportunities and stay ahead of the curve. In today’s cutting-edge scenario, where everyone wants to reach the top, one ability that forms the pathway to success is your proficiency in the English language. A person skilled in the English language is confident and has higher chances to grab lucrative career opportunities than others.

    Eighty percent of the world’s electronically stored information is in English. Employers seek people that have a strong command of the language because they are more presentable and comprise better professional capacities. Therefore, people continuously work to improve their English language skills to unlock lucrative career prospects.

    Let’s do a deeper dive to understand how improving English is helpful for a growing career:

    • Majority of Jobs Require Good Command of English: A good command of the English language is often featured as a prerequisite in the selection process for most of the highly-skilled jobs. For this, many aspirants also tend to mention this skill in their resume. If a person wants to be a suitable fit for a high position, a good foundation and fluency of the language are imperative. 
    • Assures Cognitive Development: It has been observed that bilingual people have a broader perspective and a different thinking style. They are more efficient in remembering things, better aware of their surroundings, adaptable to changes, and have an ability to focus on important things. If a candidate has these traits, he will be benefitted in the long run and become a valuable employee for the organization. 
    • Provides Opportunities for International Exposure: In the era of globalization, all cross-border communication is done in English. More than two million people speak English and a vast number of people can speak English as a second language. If you have a good hold of the language, you will be able to grab better job opportunities abroad. Good command of the language will add to your interpersonal effectiveness and broaden your understanding of the perceptions of people with different backgrounds and cultures. 
    • Help you Earn More: There is no denying fact that English speakers earn more money than non-English speakers. Having an excellent command of the language can unleash your opportunities for a well-paid and interesting career and ensure a positive future ahead. 
    • Help you Grab Leadership Roles & Responsibilities: English serves as a stepping stone to leadership responsibilities and career advancement. No matter if an aspirant wants to make a career in technical industry or management industry, the importance of English cannot be denied. It has been observed that many professionals (from B.Tech to MCA) take up language improvement courses to polish their communication skills and reach the top management position. Good command in English makes them effective communicators and adds more value to their overall knowledge.

    You can check out Pearson MePro – a personalized English Learning Program, to enhance your English skills and experience the new age of language learning. It will take your professional development to a level ahead and help you tap prosperous career opportunities abroad.

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  • How to score good marks in JEE Mains 2020

    Aspirants who have achieved success in IIT-JEE have stressed on the importance of strategic preparation, rigorous practice and dedication while preparing for the examination. From solving sample papers to practicing mock tests, students leave no stone unturned to crack IIT-JEE and climb the ladder of success. Out of everything, mock tests are highly recommended by experts and toppers as these tests provide real-time test experience to students and help them revise the syllabus better before the real JEE main exams.

    If you want to excel in the examinations, you need to practice in the right direction. The key to right preparation is thorough practice and the same is enabled by JEE main mock tests. Mock tests help students to strengthen the crucial topics of each subject and make them develop a winning exam temperament.

    Let’s understand in a detailed manner how JEE main mock tests can help you score high:

    • Familiarizes Students with Real Exam Pattern: This is one of the topmost benefits of solving JEE main mock tests. If students are familiar with the exam environment, they can eliminate unnecessary fear from their mind and perform better in the exams. Mock tests help them get accustomed to the exam pattern and provide a glimpse of their performance during the real test. Through this, they can observe their preparation level and work hard to improve their problem areas.
    • Eliminates the room for mistakes: No matter how hard students have worked for their IIT-JEE, some parameters like lack of attention, exam stress, and performance fear can lead them to mark an incorrect response. By practicing the JEE Main Mock Test, you can identify your mistakes and correct them. It will not only give you an idea of which topics need more practice, but also allow you to make a note of your mistakes. You will develop an ability to solve the maximum number of questions with no mistakes and accelerate your preparation.
    • Enables Revision for Complete Syllabus: Students should utilize their time by practicing a lot of mock tests to recognize their weak areas and bring a significant improvement in their preparation. Each time you solve a mock test, you go through all the important topics of the syllabus. It not only encourages you to revise better but also aids you in brushing up all the topics in an effective way. This habit will help you avoid repeating your mistakes in the actual JEE main examination.
    • Instils the Art of Time Management: In JEE Main examinations, students have to solve a total of 90 questions in three hours. No matter how strong the concepts are, attempting all the questions accurately, without any experience, appears like tough nut to crack. Time management skills coupled with good speed are also needed to score well in JEE Main. In this situation, mock tests play a very crucial role. By giving a fair idea of the exam pattern, these tests improve the speed and accuracy of students and maximize the chances of completing the paper on time.
    • Builds a Positive Attitude: Practicing several mock tests on the current pattern of JEE will habituate you with the actual exam environment and enhance your confidence level. These tests are designed to teach students the art of time management and thus improving performance. Gaining excellence in these major aspects will not only make you confident about your performance but also help you combat nervousness and reinforce a positive attitude.

    You can check out Pearson MyInsights – an adaptive assessment for the preparation of IIT-JEE. By providing 4 levels of testing, 500+ topic tests, 80+ chapter tests, 20 mock tests, and previous 10 years JEE papers, it makes aspirants IIT-JEE ready. In addition to this, it also provides a real-time test experience to the aspirants with analytics and personalized scoring. In this way, aspirants get to examine their strengths and weaknesses in a better way.

    All the best for your IIT-JEE preparation!

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  • 7 Tips to Prepare for IIT-JEE mains 2020

    While preparing for IIT-JEE, it is important to understand that there is no room for error as competition is getting tougher with each passing day. Every year, lakhs of talented aspirants appear for this national level engineering exam with a hope of giving wings to their dreams.

    Though getting success in the IIT-JEE examination is a win-win situation for any aspirant, it takes immense hard work and dedication to achieve success in the same. But there is a huge misconception among candidates that only by studying assiduously, they can taste success. Although hard work is essential, few parameters should also be taken into consideration while preparing for IIT-JEE examination. 

    Below mentioned are some effective tips that will help you to achieve success in your IIT-JEE preparation:

    • Focus on the Basics: It has been said that the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. To excel in the examination, you need to strengthen your basic concepts. After understanding the basic concepts, you can gradually shift towards the advanced concepts.
    • Time Management is Quintessential: Strategic management of time is one of the crucial aspects for JEE main preparation. For this, plan a time table and strictly adhere to it. Try to finish the syllabus within the stipulated time. Decide that in how many days you will be able to finish a topic as per the difficulty level. Make sure before proceeding towards the new topic, your previous topics are clear. 
    • Refer to Previous Year Question Papers & Topic Wise Coverage: It is highly suggested to the candidates to refer to previous year topics and make a study plan accordingly. Try to analyze previous year question papers and understand the topics which carry more weightage. To know the level of your preparation, practice sample papers. It will help you figure out how much time you will take in solving each question and provide a clear picture of how you will manage your time. The more you practice, the more you will get to know about your improvement areas.
    • Revise to Maintain Preparation Consistency: The benefit of revision is twofold as it not only helps to remember important facts and methodologies but also reduces the anxiety levels and builds confidence. It allows students to be able to recall important facts when needed and helps in coping with exam anxiety. For an effective revision, detach yourself from all the possible distractions such as entertainment gadgets or mobile phones and find a peaceful place. Instead of jumping to the difficult topics first, revise subjects you know well to boost your confidence. You can also make a revision plan and ensure that it is flexible so that you can spend extra time on those topics that are taking longer time than expected.
    • Stick to the Authentic Study Material: It is important to stick to the authentic study material while preparing for the national level engineering exam. As the marketplace is flooded with a lot of books and study material, having access to the right kind of study material eases the preparation struggle for most of the aspirants. Studying from the correct books hold a lot of significance because students cannot afford to waste their precious time with irrelevant books and course material.

    Pearson MyInsights – an adaptive assessment for IIT-JEE, is the best way to prepare for this exam. It empowers aspirants by providing 4 levels of testing, 500+ topic tests, 80+ chapter tests, 20 mock tests, and previous 10 years JEE papers. With analytics and personalized scoring, it provides a real-time test experience to the aspirants, helps them know their strengths and weaknesses, and makes them IIT-JEE ready.

    • Build a Peer Group with Similar Goals: A peer group that matches your goals is the best way to stay motivated during the preparation of IIT-JEE. This practice will not only help you stay competitive and up to date with the exam patterns but also help you develop a positive approach throughout your journey.
    • Set some time for enjoyment and relaxation: Apart from hard work, it is important to stay relaxed and fit. Studying hard is good but overdoing anything can be counter-productive. If your mind is calm, you will perform much better. Make sure you get adequate sleep, practice yoga, and meditation daily, and take time off to be with your loved ones. Take a balanced diet to ensure good health.  

    Also, it is very important to stay aware of any changes in the exams introduced by the concerned authorities. Thoroughly understand the exam pattern, syllabus, marking scheme, etc. so that you can divide your time accordingly. In addition to this, don’t let stress control you! Burdening yourself unnecessarily with stress can hamper your preparation. 

    Just stay calm and prepare for the examination!

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  • Smart Classes - Why your school should adopt this innovative teaching methodology?

    Our world is becoming smarter by the day with our phones, gadgets and now even our homes! Now it is time for our classrooms to become smarter, too. Implementing a smart class solution in your school may seem like a daunting proposition that is expensive to boot, but in fact, the advantages of these innovative teaching methodologies can only help your school reap great benefits. Let’s take a look at a few reasons why a smart class is the best bet for your school:

    1. highly effective learning outcomes: As any teacher knows, children process visuals better and a class that uses innovative learning strategies such as videos, graphs or 3D images are bound to make students more curious about the subject and learn effectively. Engaging with the subject matter helps students think in the abstract and relate with what they have learnt. This is better than simply being presented with a teacher’s explanation. In fact, research shows that implementing smart class solutions like MyPedia contributes to positive attitudes towards learning.                                                                      
    2. Simplifies complex subjects: Certain complex subjects are much easier to teach through the medium of immersive learning. Adopting digital classroom technology for one’s class makes it easier for teachers to teach students and thus enhance their learning.          
    3. Easier to plan lessons: Most smart learning solutions come with teaching plans that combines the coursebook, application book, digital content and assessments. This allows the teacher to focus on ensuring that the students are thorough with concepts rather than figuring out minor details such as what or when to teach.                                                                   
    4. Easier assessments: Instead of spending valuable time and energy on creating question papers, teachers can use the smart class solutions’ built-in assessment plans. These are mapped to the school’s education board and exam plan. They  are also analyzed on difficulty and cognitive. Both, the school and the teacher get access to performance analysis that can be broken down according to subjects, grades, students and the school.                                                    
    5. Helps all learners: Anyone who has taught knows that no two students are alike. With interactive teaching methods such as smart classes, teachers can reach out to all the students. Slow learners or those with learning disabilities benefit particularly from smart classes. These classes help them learn at their own pace by making lessons accessible online. Reports generated by the smart classes also help teachers identify students who are having trouble with certain subjects so that they can be given extra attention.           
    6. Gets the parents involved: Parents are an important part of a student’s learning process, but it is simply not possible to reach out to each and every one of them individually to keep them abreast with their child’s learning and performance. A smart class helps break down this barrier with apps and portals that help parents stay updated with their child’s progress in the classroom. 

    Smart classes transform a classroom into a space where both, the learning and teaching process are interactive and fun. The innovations make life easier for both teachers and the school administration and thus helps them provide the best possible learning experience to their students.

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