Education blog by Pearson India

  • 2020: The first 6 months in numbers

    It’s been a challenging start to the year, but PTE has remained focused and committed to supporting our test takers. From offering free Scored Practice Tests and more webinar sessions to launching PTE UK SELT and expanding the reach of our test centers, we’ve concluded the first half of the year and are proud of our progress. Take a look at this infographic to see what we have achieved together in the past few months.


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  • Pearson PTE is now approved to deliver English tests for UK visas and immigration

    Further PTE centres approved to deliver secure English language testing for people wanting to work, live or study in the UK

    Pearson has announced a second wave of locations, including India and the UK, where people can now take PTE as a Secure English Language Test (SELT) for UK Visas & Immigration (UKVI) purposes.

    Today the UK Government approved Pearson to open bookings for SELTs in a further 72 locations. This includes the first 8 centres in the UK and 15 centres in India as well as centres in Japan, Egypt, Philippines, South Africa, Hong Kong, Saudi Arabia and Singapore, amongst others.

    Bookings can be taken at all locations, with 57 of these locations open now to deliver testing, and the remaining 15 to open once individual COVID-19 restrictions are lifted.

    The tests will be delivered through the Pearson VUE test centre network. Pearson VUE test centres follow health and safety guidance provided by global health organizations and local governments. Amid COVID-19, the test centres operate with increased disinfecting and hygienic procedures and additional social distancing measures to support the safety of testing candidates and staff.

    Pearson’s SELT tests are as follows:

    • PTE Academic (UKVI) - a four skills language test accepted for work and study visas. It tests speaking, listening, reading and writing skills.
    • PTE Home - a two skills language test accepted for family, settlement, citizenship applications as well as Sportsperson and Representative of an Overseas Business applications. It tests speaking and listening skills.

    Today’s news follows our announcement last month of the first wave of locations to start delivering SELT. It is expected that all remaining SELT testing locations will become operational this summer.

    For more information on the UK Home Office Visas and Immigration process click here

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  • Here Is New You with My PTE

    We are constantly on the look-out for innovation! This is why, we are proud to share that we have smoothened your journey based on your feedback and are happy to share the changes here.

    What’s New?

    My PTE is a new and improved digital experience designed to streamline the way you book, manage, and track your testing and learning experience. All customers will transition to the new experience with effects from May 19, 2020. Keep reading to learn more about what’s better and what’s changing.

    What's better?

    A new way to search for a test date

    PTE test-takers will now be able to search for seats without having to sign in or register.

    With just a few clicks, you can check the availability as per your preferred location and time.

    A fresh look for your Score Reports

    The PTE Academic Score Report has been updated - all the important information is still there, just in a great new format.



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  • PTE Academic testing has been resumed in India and it’s Hub Countries – Here is all that you need to know

    As the world around us is making advancements to adapt to the new ways of normalcy after COVID-19, it’s also time for students to also get back on track for their university applications. Many institutions worldwide are going ahead with their academic sessions, with minor delays. Enabling students to resume their study abroad plans, testing facilities for PTE Academic are being resumed at many test centers in India & Hub countries.



    Testing Status



    Testing is live



    Testing is live



    Testing is live

    New Delhi


    Testing is live



    Testing is live



    Testing is live



    Testing is live



    Testing is live


    Andhra Pradesh

    Testing is live



    Testing is live



    Testing is live



    Testing is live



    Testing is live



    Testing is live


    West Bengal

    Testing is live



    Testing is live



    Testing is live


    Tamil Nadu

    Testing is live



    Testing is live


    Tamil Nadu

    Testing is live



    Testing is live



    Will Begin Soon

    Please note: This list will continue being updated with status of more test centers across India & hub countries. Keep checking this page for more updates.

    Health and Safety mandates to be followed :

    While test centers are resuming operation to help students get back on track for their college admissions, the following health and safety practices enforced by the Centre for Disease Control (CDC) and World Health Organization (WHO) will be strictly followed:

    • Hand sanitizers will be available in the waiting area and each individual must use the sanitizer before entering the testing room.
    • Candidates must wear a mask and are allowed to use disposable gloves if they choose to.
    • Regular reminders will be given to candidates to make sure they are sanitizing their hands.
    • We have deployed an effective plan of action to enhance our cleaning and disinfecting regimens in between all testing appointments.
    • Every candidate will be required to acknowledge that he/she meets the above health requirements and will comply with the health and safety guidelines while testing.
    • Candidates must carry and wear a face mask throughout the duration of their exam. Please note that candidates failing to produce a face mask will be denied testing services.
    • All individuals including candidates are required to stay at least 6 feet away from other people in the waiting area and during the admissions process.
    • We have permitted candidates to use disposable gloves during the testing. However, test administrators will inspect the gloves before and after the exam, and the gloves will be disposed of in front of the proctor upon completion of the test. Candidates are requested to kindly cooperate.
    • Candidates must ensure there are no travel restrictions in place for their test location.
    • Please find the current status of the test centers in your city here. Note that the status of test centers will be constantly updated.

    In addition to this, the following precautions will be taken to screen test takers before they enter any test venue:

    • Test takers will not be allowed to enter the test center if they had been tested positive for COVID-19 unless they have been symptom-free for over 72 hours and have been tested negative at least twice in a gap of 24 hours.
    • Test takers will not be allowed to enter the test center if they have been experiencing any of the associated symptoms of COVID-19 such as shortness of breath, fever, sore throat, loss of smell, or chills. 
    • Anyone who has had close contact with someone who a confirmed or suspected COVID-19 patient will not be permitted inside the test center unless at least 14 days have passed since the last exposure. 
    • Anyone who has been instructed to be under home quarantine or centralized observation by government or healthcare authorities will not be permitted inside the test centers, unless at least 14 days have passed since your last exposure.

    We urge candidates to work together as a community to ensure none of the above-mentioned safety norms are flouted at the test centers to ensure complete safety of everyone involved. Let’s emerge out of these trying times stronger together.

    Book your Pearson PTE test here. Stay safe and keep chasing your dreams!

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  • Understanding the new UK points based immigration system and what it means for you

    Following the exit of the United Kingdom (UK) from the European Union (EU) on 31 January 2020, the UK has launched a new points-based visa system, aiming at attracting the 'brightest and the best' from the world and cutting down numbers of cheap, low-skilled workers coming to the country.

    The new system will transform the way in which all migrants come to the UK to work, study or visit and will also revolutionize the operation of the UK border, tighten security and deliver a better customer experience for those coming to the UK.

    Why this new system?

    The aim of the new policy is to:-

    • End free movement and introduce an Immigration Bill to bring in a firm and fair points-based system
    • Attract the high-skilled workers the country needs to contribute to its economy, its communities and its public services.
    • To shift the focus of the economy away from a reliance on cheap labour and instead concentrate on investment in technology and automation.
    • To create a high wage, high-skill, high productivity economy.

    Distorted by European free movement rights, the earlier immigration system had been failing to meet the needs of the British people and hence, through this new policy, the govt. strives to deliver a system that works in the interests of the country and prioritises the skills a person has to offer, not where they come from.

    When will the new system come into force?

    The new system will be enforced from 1 January 2021, wherein EU and non-EU citizens will be treated equally and free movement of people within the economic bloc for the UK as a non-member will be formally put to an end.

    The overall levels of migration will be reduced and top priority will be given to those with the highest skills and the greatest talents: scientists, engineers, academics and other specialist work routes including routes for global leaders and innovators.

    What does the new system imply?

    The new post-Brexit system, which will apply equally to the EU and non-EU countries like India, is based on assigning points for specific skills, qualifications, salaries and professions, with visas only awarded to those who gain enough points.

    Skilled workers will need to meet a number of relevant criteria including, 

    • Specific skills and Qualifications
    • The ability to speak English
    • All applicants will be required to have a job offer and, in line with the Migration Advisory Committee's (MAC) recommendations
    • The minimum salary threshold will be set at 25,600 pounds - lower than the previous 30,000 pounds level for Tier 2 work visas, to be able to work in the UK

    Will it affect student visa?

    Students will be covered by the points-based system. They will achieve the required points if,

    • They can demonstrate that they have an offer from an approved educational institution
    • They can speak English
    • They are able to support themselves financially during their studies in the UK

    Advantages of the new system

    • The points-based system will provide simple, effective and flexible arrangements for skilled workers from around the world to come to the UK through an employer-led system.
    • The new points-based system will also expand the skills threshold for skilled workers and hence, those looking to live and work in the UK will need to be qualified up to A-level or equivalent, rather than degree-level under the current system. This will ensure UK business has access to a wide pool of skilled workers.

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  • Looking To Migrate For Higher Education? Here's Why PTE Can Be Your Best Bet

    When it comes to higher education, it is better to leave no stone unturned to ensure a bright future. Students often wish to move abroad to attain a better quality of education and improve their career prospects. Apart from this, a foreign education may also result in a better social life, greater personality development, and an increase in confidence. Studying abroad can help you to learn new languages, develop an appreciation for other cultures, become self-sufficient and develop a better understanding of the world. 

    However, when it comes to moving abroad, there are certain formalities that Indian students must go through. One of them is taking a standardized English language test. This is a test that is required for non-native English-speaking students to prove their proficiency in the language before moving to an English-speaking country. There are several standardized English language tests, but here’s why PTE-Academic can be your best choice. 

    Unbiased AI-Based Evaluation

    PTE Academic is a hundred per cent computerized examination. Most other tests are evaluated by examiners and can be subjected to human bias. PTE Academic, on the other hand, is evaluated through a fool-proof AI-based system that completely eliminates the chance of human bias and generates fair results. This system is developed with the help of thousands of responses that are fed in the algorithm, allowing it to mimic human behavior without the risk of being biased. What this essentially means is that a test taker is graded through a foolproof algorithm and the scores rely only on what he/she responds and nothing else.

    The following video will give you a better understanding of PTE Academic’s unbiased AI-based scoring:


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  • PTE Academic now accepted by 100% of New Zealand universities

    International students can now use PTE Academic scores as proof of their English proficiency when enrolling at all universities in New Zealand. This gives them even greater choice and flexibility when applying to study in New Zealand as PTE Academic allows them to choose the timing of the test, and to receive their test results typically within five working days.

    Further the New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA) also accepts PTE Academic as evidence of English language ability for international students applying to study at Private Training Establishments (PTEs) and Institutes of Technology and Polytechnics (ITPs). A NZQA approved test result is a requirement for students from a range of countries including India, Nepal and the Philippines.

    Outside New Zealand PTE Academic is recognised 100% of Australian universities and many top 100 ranked institutions including Harvard University, Dartmouth University, University of Melbourne, Australian National University and the University of Sydney. It is also recognised by the Australian Government for all visa applications and by an increasing number of professional bodies and employers.

    For a full listing of institutions that accept PTE Academic visit:

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  • How To Study In The UK

    The UK is a popular country to relocate to for study. There are over 430,000 international students from over 180 countries who are currently studying in the UK.

    There are over 100 institutions called universities and an additional 45 colleges which can award degrees, of which 98% of UK institutions accept PTE Academic. A list of institutions that can award degrees can be found here.

    The Application Process

    A common method for most students wishing to apply to universities in the UK is to use the UCAS application service.

    Through this service you can apply to study in the UK by applying to up to five courses, meaning you don’t have to complete a separate application to each university.

    If you’re unsure on specific courses and what the outcomes are, you can check out Unistats to read about what previous students thought about the course, look into the likely costs and also the career potential upon completion of the degree.

    Application deadlines for UK universities are usually in October and January. Although, you should check with the specific universities you are applying to in case they have any specific requirements.

    Submitted applications typically take up to three weeks to be processed.

    Getting Your Visa

    If you are not an EU citizen you will need to get a student visa in order to study in the UK. Specifically, you will need to apply for a Tier 4 visa.

    You should apply for a student visa as soon as you have your Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS) number which you will receive if you have accepted an unconditional offer from a university and paid any necessary deposits.

    Visa applications are only accepted a maximum of three months before your course starts and cost around £322.

    You can find more information on visas, on the UK immigration website.

    If you find yourself asking the question ‘How do I study in the UK for free?’ then it’s also worth exploring the many scholarships available to international students.

    Healthcare Options

    The National Health Service (NHS) is the publicly funded health care system that covers the UK. It provides free treatment to everyone for certain matters, such as accident and emergency services.

    If you have, or are getting a Tier 4 visa, you have to pay an ‘Immigrant Health Surcharge’. This surcharge will give you the same access to the NHS as UK residents.

    Working While Studying

    While you are studying you may be allowed to work, however it is highly regulated. The maximum hours of work permitted is printed on your visa sticker of Biometric Residence Permit (BRP).

    You can find more information on international student working requirements on the UK Council for International Student Affairs website.

    For further information, most universities have international student departments to assist with getting everything in order before commencing studies.

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  • Test Tip: On test day, do not leave anything to chance

    Your Test Day Checklist

    We understand that taking PTE Academic can be a stressful experience for many test takers. One way of reducing the stress and performing at your best is to plan ahead for test day so that you leave nothing to chance.

    Check that you are ready with this interactive checklist. Watch the video below to learn about the full test day experience.

    Before you leave home

    1. Plan your journey to the test center
    2. Check the test center address – it’s on your confirmation email and in your account
    3. Pack the correct ID. Usually, your passport, and it must exactly match the details entered when booking your test. Without this, you will not be able to test. Learn about the ID requirements
    4. Turn up 30 minutes early to complete the sign-in procedures. If you can not make your existing booking you may be able to reschedule your test. Note fees may apply.

     Before your test

    1. Learn about the sign in procedures
    2. Understand the security procedures

    During your test

    1. Start your test
    2. Wear your headphones correctly
    3. Get help from the test administrator
    4. Take a break or end your test

    After your test

    1. Check your scores online. 87% of results are in 2 working days, with most typically available within 5 business days. Learn how
    2. Don’t forget you will need to assign your PTE Academic scores to your chosen institutions. Learn how

    Good luck with your test!

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  • Understanding PTE Academic for teachers

    Help your students prepare for PTE Academic

    PTE Academic is the only 100% computer based high stakes English test, but like any test your students may take, it requires adequate preparation. Lean how to prepare students for PTE Academic with our three-part webinar series.

    Part one provides an overview of PTE Academic including its key features, and how it compares to other high stakes tests.


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