Education blog by Pearson India

  • Here Is New You with My PTE

    We are constantly on the look-out for innovation! This is why, we are proud to share that we have smoothened your journey based on your feedback and are happy to share the changes here.

    What’s New?

    My PTE is a new and improved digital experience designed to streamline the way you book, manage, and track your testing and learning experience. All customers will transition to the new experience with effects from May 19, 2020. Keep reading to learn more about what’s better and what’s changing.

    What's better?

    A new way to search for a test date

    PTE test-takers will now be able to search for seats without having to sign in or register.

    With just a few clicks, you can check the availability as per your preferred location and time.

    A fresh look for your Score Reports

    The PTE Academic Score Report has been updated - all the important information is still there, just in a great new format.

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  • PTE Academic testing has been resumed in India and it’s Hub Countries – Here is all that you need to know

    As the world around us is making advancements to adapt to the new ways of normalcy after COVID-19, it’s also time for students to also get back on track for their university applications. Many institutions worldwide are going ahead with their academic sessions, with minor delays. Enabling students to resume their study abroad plans, testing facilities for PTE Academic are being resumed at many test centers in India & Hub countries.



    Testing Status



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    Andhra Pradesh

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    Testing is live



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    Testing is live


    West Bengal

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    Tamil Nadu

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    Testing is live


    Tamil Nadu

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    Testing is live



    Will Begin Soon

    Please note: This list will continue being updated with status of more test centers across India & hub countries. Keep checking this page for more updates.

    Health and Safety mandates to be followed :

    While test centers are resuming operation to help students get back on track for their college admissions, the following health and safety practices enforced by the Centre for Disease Control (CDC) and World Health Organization (WHO) will be strictly followed:

    • Hand sanitizers will be available in the waiting area and each individual must use the sanitizer before entering the testing room.
    • Candidates must wear a mask and are allowed to use disposable gloves if they choose to.
    • Regular reminders will be given to candidates to make sure they are sanitizing their hands.
    • We have deployed an effective plan of action to enhance our cleaning and disinfecting regimens in between all testing appointments.
    • Every candidate will be required to acknowledge that he/she meets the above health requirements and will comply with the health and safety guidelines while testing.
    • Candidates must carry and wear a face mask throughout the duration of their exam. Please note that candidates failing to produce a face mask will be denied testing services.
    • All individuals including candidates are required to stay at least 6 feet away from other people in the waiting area and during the admissions process.
    • We have permitted candidates to use disposable gloves during the testing. However, test administrators will inspect the gloves before and after the exam, and the gloves will be disposed of in front of the proctor upon completion of the test. Candidates are requested to kindly cooperate.
    • Candidates must ensure there are no travel restrictions in place for their test location.
    • Please find the current status of the test centers in your city here. Note that the status of test centers will be constantly updated.

    In addition to this, the following precautions will be taken to screen test takers before they enter any test venue:

    • Test takers will not be allowed to enter the test center if they had been tested positive for COVID-19 unless they have been symptom-free for over 72 hours and have been tested negative at least twice in a gap of 24 hours.
    • Test takers will not be allowed to enter the test center if they have been experiencing any of the associated symptoms of COVID-19 such as shortness of breath, fever, sore throat, loss of smell, or chills. 
    • Anyone who has had close contact with someone who a confirmed or suspected COVID-19 patient will not be permitted inside the test center unless at least 14 days have passed since the last exposure. 
    • Anyone who has been instructed to be under home quarantine or centralized observation by government or healthcare authorities will not be permitted inside the test centers, unless at least 14 days have passed since your last exposure.

    We urge candidates to work together as a community to ensure none of the above-mentioned safety norms are flouted at the test centers to ensure complete safety of everyone involved. Let’s emerge out of these trying times stronger together.

    Book your Pearson PTE test here. Stay safe and keep chasing your dreams!

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  • AI Use Cases in E-Commerce

    E-Commerce is eating the world… or at least it seems poised to. In the last 7 years, the share of total retail sales by e-commerce players has doubled from 5.6% to 11.2%. Further, it appears poised to grow much faster still in the post-COVID era of social distancing.

    What is the secret behind such rapid growth in a sector many considered to be “mature”? Much of the answer lies in the heavy use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) to recommend products, serve the right advertisements to the right audiences, predict delivery timelines, and more.

    This article explores six critical AI use cases that are fueling the success of e-commerce today and in the future.

    Search & Recommendation Engine

    The original AI use case in e-commerce is to provide buyers with customized search results and product recommendations, resulting in enhanced customer experience, higher sales, and greater customer loyalty.

    Predictive variables can include a wide variety of factors such as current and historical searches, demographics, past purchasing behavior, cookie trails from other web sites, and many others. Traditional analytics is limited by the number of factors and significant human effort to crunch large volumes of data. This results in slower query results and far less customize product recommendations.

    But AI-powered neural engines can make speedy recommendations based on thousands of such data points without the need for human intervention whatsoever. The best part is, the predictive power of such recommendations continues to improve over time. Each time a customer interacts with the e-commerce platform, the AI algorithms continue to learn and evolve even further…

    Customer behavior has changed significantly in recent years. As they become increasingly conscious about their buying decisions and base their decisions on a wider variety of factors apart from just price, efficient product search and recommendation engines will play an ever-increasing role in drive e-commerce sales.

    Sales & Customer Services

    Successful e-commerce relies on efficient response to customer queries, from addressing pre-purchasing inquiries to tracking packages to taking care of product returns. Furthermore, customers demand quick replies, with more than 63% expecting an instant response. Fully 65% of shoppers indicate that they are likely to switch brands in the event of disappointing customer service at any point from buying to receiving their orders.

    Yet dealing with such a large number of customer inquiries can be tedious, and customers are rarely willing to pay a premium for expedited customer service. AI can be used to automate labor-intensive parts of the customer service journey through the use of chatbots and robotic process automation.

    Integrating AI chatbots on the site can help organizations respond to the simplest ~60% of inquiries immediately, route another ~20% of discussions to sales/customer service representatives, and refer the most complex inquiries to specialists. By developing and training a custom neural network, the chatbot comprehends explicit client requests to quickly take care of most issues. Similarly, call bots can be used for handling inbound customer calls.

    Product Pricing

    In today’s competitive world, customers are bound to check prices against competitors both online and sometimes even offline. AI models help e-commerce sellers determine the best prices to maximize profits and market share by analyzing factors such as inventory levels, competitor’s pricing, customer price sensitivity, and seasonality.

    Buyer Segmentation

    Traditionally, customer attributes are labeled manually which can be an immense task. With the help of AI, this process can be automated. Also, many labels can be broken down further to provide more accurate tagging. AI helps by creating attribute clusters and assigning them to the right customers in a way that might not be possible for humans to achieve.

    Voice Interface

    Alexa and other AI-powered voice assistants are increasingly being used as an interface for placing orders online and powering a more seamless user interface for customers.

    Demand Forecasting

    Accurate demand forecasting is essential for a cost-effective supply chain and inventory management. Accurate forecasts improve the efficiency of the manufacturing, operations, and the overall supply chain of the organization, leading to higher availability and lower unit costs on goods.

    In Summary

    Technological advancements have allowed retailers to acquire large amounts of data and leverage AI-based solutions to provide a customized experience to their customers. AI has become an integral part of the entire supply chain and is fueling the product and service cycle across the e-retail sector. In other words, AI has the potential to influence the purchasing decisions of buyers and help sellers predict future purchases as well!

    In today’s world, AI is becoming an inseparable part of many of the leading industries globally. This is why there’s an ever-increasing demand for professionals skilled in this field.  The HarvardX Data Science program helps you acquire the required knowledge base and skills to tackle data analysis challenges and excel in the field of AI and Data Science.



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  • 5 Tips to Ace Your Virtual Investor Pitch

    Congratulations! You have been selected to pitch to a VC!

    As exciting as this news might seem, pitching online presents new challenges for entrepreneurs during these challenging times of remote pitching to maintain social distance.

    VCs carry super-high expectations. If most entrepreneurs find it difficult to connect when pitching face to face, imagine the difficulty when pitching remotely….

    • It is tough to monitor their reactions even if they switch on their webcam
    • You might get interrupted with signal disturbances that break your flow
    • It is easy to get trapped in self-doubt about how you are coming across

    Fortunately, many entrepreneurs are able to succeed despite these challenges. Here are 5 Tips to Ace Your Virtual Investor Pitch:

    1. Master the Platform

    Investors expect investible founders to be digital natives. This means that you must come across completely comfortable and “in your element” while interacting online.

    Be sure to use the VCs’ preferred videoconferencing platform to ensure that they feel comfortable and at home (MS Teams, Zoom, WebEx, GoToMeeting, Google Hangouts, etc.). This means that you might need to conduct a few practice runs to get entirely familiar with the interface, controls and functionality. 

    Of course, you need to have good lighting and sound (e.g. USB earphones) as well as a professional background to come across well on any platform. You only get a few minutes to make the right impression. Make them count!

    2. Ensure High-speed Internet Connectivity

    An interrupted internet connection can cause your call to drop repeatedly. This is distracting, time-consuming and breaks the chain of thought. These days it really does not cost that much to get a speedy and stable internet connection. You can conduct an online speed test such as Ookla to ensure that you upload speed is at least 4 MB per second and a download speed of least 8 MB per second. The higher the better!

    In areas with inconsistent connections, create a backup plan such as creating a wireless hotspot with your cell phone. In areas with fluctuating power supply, be sure to keep your computing device and wi-fi router on UPS to allow you to present smoothly without any disturbance.

    3. Keep it Crisp

    It is always advisable to keep your deck lean and mean (experts generally recommend a maximum of 10-12 slides). But this is ever so much more important when presenting online, where you are competing for the VCs attention against urgent emails, social media and every other manner of compelling distractions. 

    The idea is to string together a series of punchy sound bites around each topic that the VC is interested in e.g. value proposition, addressable market size, product-market fit, team composition, competitor analysis, sustainable advantage, unit economics, financial projections and assumptions, etc. 

    When answering their questions, it is even more important to answer the exact question asked in the minimum number of words. Practice makes perfect!

    4. Bring it Alive

    Do away with heavy text and long bulleted lists in favour of hard-hitting facts, compelling photographs, videos, etc. that underscore your key messages. For example, if your product ensures driver safety, contract photos of wreckage with and without your product, to showcase the difference that it can make in the lives of consumers. You as the presenter should always be sharing the details of the narrative, rather than the text on your slide.

    5. Speak to the Camera

    Remember how important it is to maintain eye contact with your audience? The same thing that engages an audience in real life also holds true online. However, instead of looking at your screen where you can see your audience, look into the camera so that your audience to maintain eye contact with you. This will subconsciously encourage them to focus on what you are saying and help them develop an interest in your presentation.

    To conclude, a bonus tip would be to keep reminding yourself that the ultimate goal of this meeting is to discuss as much about your customers, your organization, your team and the idea as possible. Try to avoid anything that directs your listener’s attention away from you and what you’re selling. While you can learn how to pitch to VCs the hard way through experience, there are learning resources that can give you a significant head start. One such course is the London Business School’s Entrepreneurial Edge. This course is targeted towards helping students understand the kind of challenges they may face as new-age entrepreneurs and provide innovative solutions to these challenges.

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  • Is Your Young One Scared Of Numbers? Use Quikik To Make The Best Use Of This Shutdown

    Mathematics is a slightly tricky subject and kids often require some sort of guidance to be able to perform in this subject. However, in the current scenario, schools and tuition classes have been shut down and students are not being able to get the desired guidance.  If your child is in middle school or primary school, these foundation years are very critical and help students in developing an interest in the subject. If the foundation is not laid properly, students develop a fear of Maths and run away from it despite it being an incredibly high scoring subject. 

    While it is true that students need a push and appropriate guidance to excel in Maths, it does not necessarily mean that their learning needs to stop during the lockdown. Quikik, by Pearson, the World’s Learning Company, is an innovative AI-based app, that can help students of 6th, 7th, and 8th grade learn Maths at home while also having fun. With the help of this free app, children can learn multiple mathematical concepts in an interactive way and brush up their skills  in an exciting manner. Now, your kids would not run away from studying at home and would use their time productively. Here are all the features of Quikik that make this app a must-have for your child during this lockdown. 

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  • Strengthening the chains of learning digitally

    The ongoing global situation has put the world on hold. Although a lot has changed, a major impact is being seen in the education sector, with schools, universities and institutions being locked down, affecting more than 300 million students worldwide. It’s more than evident that learners across the world need to be connected with their mentors for an uninterrupted learning process, so that they don’t lose out on precious time.

    Pearson, being the world’s leading learning company, understands that teachers and students share a timeless bond. And to keep that alive, we are offering a mix of our digital solutions that can enhance the process and capacity of learning and provide the needed support and skill enhancement in these times:

    Learner Support

    Active App- A unique interactive digital learning mobile app

    With a special access code provided by Pearson, continue learning with textbook-based digital content that covers all classroom topics with related experiments, assignments and activities blended with the chapters.

    Steps to Download:

    • Download Active App from your Android Playstore/ iOs Appstore
    • Register and create account/ sign in as existing user
    • Click on the “+” icon and enter access code as shared by school or given on the inner back cover of the textbook.

    Quikik- An AI-based Math learning app for Grades 6-8

    Reconnects students with Math learning through bite-sized videos, engaging content on multiple topics and a game-like interface with fun duels with friends digitally. It encourages better learning in a speedy, engaging and stress-free manner. To know more, you can download the app here.

    MyInsights- Digital test series for IIT-JEE

    Offers seamless preparation modules through tests and assessment methods, to help improve weak concepts and be confident for the real exam. 

    What you’ll get:

    • Mock tests marked as per latest scheme
    • 10-years papers
    • Instant reports
    • Institute dashboard for individual student assessment

    To know more about the Myinsights  online test series program, visit - IIT JEE Main Test Series | JEE Main Exam Coaching Online| MyInsights 

    Skill Enhancement

    MePro-  A feedback based digital English language improvement tool

    With free access for levels 1, 2 & 3, increase your chances of better employability with upgraded communication skills and proficiency level.

    Be exposed to:

    • Adaptive learning
    • Measurable outcomes
    • Illustrated themes
    • Digital badges to suit job profiles

    Online Teacher Training: Since teachers play a critical role in teaching and keeping students engaged and motivated while studying at home, we are also doing online teacher training and have reached out to over 500 teachers in the last week, helping them to learn to teach digitally. Through organizing online webinars with schools on different themes and topics, we have been able to extend our outreach extensively in remote places which has led to greater connectivity and confidence amongst teachers.

    In India, thousands of students travel far and wide to pursue their education dreams and to fulfil their career goals. Our partners and customers play a crucial part in helping them realise their goals and hence, we are taking comprehensive action to enable our customers and learners to continue to work and study online. 

    Stay Healthy, Stay Safe!

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  • Can’t Step out but Step Into Learning with Pearson

    With a global situation restricting our spaces, and education institutes shutting down, exams getting postponed and work shifting to homes; we can’t but worry about the impact it would have on our dreams and ambitions.

    But what if we say that this doesn’t have to change anything?
    What if you can make the most of your time by engaging in the best of digital learning?

    Quikik- An AI based Math learning app for Grade 6-8

    See your child rekindle a never-found-before love for Math with Pearson Quikik; a math learning tool that is as fun as your child’s play time and what’s even better is that it is available free of cost. With fun and engaging modules blended with their learning pace, Quikik helps children stay updated on formulas, calculations and that repeated “Practice” mantra that you always believe in when it comes to this subject!

    Download the App Now

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    The best educational environments are those that are fair to all students, male or female.

    Gender messages are all around us. From images in school books to those on bus ads, from conversations on the train or the big screen, from clothing stores in malls or any plush office. Everywhere we turn, we are submerged in messages about what it means to be a “correct” or “normal” woman or man. Gender is everywhere. 

    The Annual Review of Psychology says that children develop a sense of self around 18 months, and then “begin to actively engage in seeking information about what things men and how they should behave”. Part of this process means adopting gender-normative behaviour and associating gender with basic stereotypes. For example, girls liking dolls or boys having short hair. It’s between three to five years of age, when children attend preschool during which these ideas tend to solidify.

    School teachers play a pivotal role in promoting gender disparity in school, as we start building habits and opinions from a younger age. Creating equal educational opportunities for students begins in the classroom and with the teacher. A strong teacher is one who treats their students fairly creating an environment where students feel equally about taking part.

    As children enter adolescence, they start taking note of the differences amongst themselves and their peers. During this stage a teacher plays a very important role in constructing social expectations of gender roles. These interactions also create long-lasting effects on their self-image and their perception of the opportunities that are available or appropriate for them. 

    Suggestions for teachers to promote gender equality within a classroom.

    1. Be Reflective and Be Objective 
      Pay attention to new trends coming up and try to give gender-neutral responses about these trends to your students.
    2. Use gender-neutral language
      when referring to children E.g. instead of saying, ‘Choose a boy to go with you’ say, ‘Choose a friend to go with you’. Similarly avoid organizing children according to gender, E.g. ‘Boys line up here and girls here.’ This only reinforces gender segregation.
    3. Avoid stereotyping children
      E.g. boys are noisy and loud, girls are calm and sweet or boys show less emotion and girls cry more readily.
    4. Self-regulate your interaction with the children
      We tend to comfort girls more and send boys on their way earlier. Encourage all children to share feelings and emotions equally.
    5. Ask all students to participate in a variety of classroom chores
    6. Seat and Group Students Intentionally
      Encourage boys and girls to sit together by making a seating chart.
    7. Use Project Based Learning
    8. Avoid asking students to speak on behalf of their gender
      Ask students to speak for themselves rather than a larger group. Avoid asking questions with leading intros such as, “How do you think most boys would feel about this story?” 

      a.   You might rephrase the question, “How did you feel about the representation of men in this story?”
      b.   Let both boys and girls weigh in about how gender is portrayed in a given text or work.

    9. Choose course materials by both men and women
    10. Avoid separating supplies or materials by gender
      Mix costumes and art supplies for younger students rather than dividing them into sections for boys and girls. This will enable students to express themselves creatively without anxiety about adhering to traditional gender roles.
    11. Be a role model
      Children learn by imitation. Behave appropriately with other teachers and students and be coherent with your discourse. Make your own behaviour a role model for others to follow.
    12. Ask children to draw their idea
      Of a fire-fighter, police officer and nurse. Then invite a female fire-fighter and police officer, and a male nurse into the classroom. Invite them to talk about their jobs and unpack the children’s drawings and expectations about the visitors. Always use non-gender specific terms when referring to occupations.
    13. Woman visibility
      Invite women as guest lecturers who can speak about their career and experience to set an example for students.
    14. Videotape your class to examine your own teaching methods
      Review to see if you call on students of both genders, listen as intently to girls as you do to boys, and assess what types of questions you ask to students of each gender.
    15. Feedback from Colleagues and Students
      Get feedback from colleagues on any differences that they might notice and you don’t. Try getting feedback from students through an anonymous comment box.

    Such efforts earnestly made in the classrooms will enable us to turn the age-old promises of GENDER EQUALITY into action along with ensuring that we adhere to the agenda of sustainable development goals by 2030 .

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  • 5 Tips For First Time Managers

    Congratulations! All those long working hours and hard work have finally paid off, and you have climbed the ladder to earn your first managerial role. This is the time for new responsibilities, new powers, and not to mention, new challenges. Although the chances are that you are already equipped with the skills needed to become a good manager, considering you were chosen to take up this responsibility. Here are ten tips that can be useful for you if you’re becoming a manager for the first time.  

    You’re Just As Good As Your Team

    Gone are the days when only your personal performance could determine your success. As a manager, you only succeed if each and every member of your team does well. Your team’s performance curve is a clear indication of your ability as a manager. So, it’s essential to pull your team up and work on enhancing their skills. You must identify their strengths and weaknesses and leverage their strengths while working on their weaknesses. 

    Communicate With Your Team Effectively

    Setting clear goals and realistic expectations is a critical part of leadership. It is crucial to communicate with your team and let them know what they need to deliver. As a manager, it is your responsibility to learn to explain the goal clearly. You need to know that your behavior will have a significant impact on your team’s motivation level. A few polite words of encouragement or a quick compliment can make someone’s day and make them respect you more. Similarly, praising a well-performing employee can show the rest of the team that you notice work hard and performance.

    Accept That You Still Have A Lot To Learn

    Humility goes a long way when you’re a leader. No one wants to work under someone who thinks too highly of themselves. Especially when you have been promoted from amongst your peers, it is essential to know that there’s still a lot you can learn from them. Just because you have been given a senior position does not mean there’s nothing your team can’t teach you.

    Develop 1-on-1 Relationships

    If you have been promoted from a particular position, the chances are that you already have a kind of bond with your former peers. It is a good idea to leverage this bond and establish a relationship with them even as their reporting manager. This includes being considerate towards their shortcomings and understanding their reasons. 

    Share Feedback and Credit

    Often employees feel that their managers forget to share the credit. In fact, this is one of the most crucial performance manager success factors. As a manager, it is a good practice to share due credit with your team. This is a good way to motivate your peers and encourage them to perform better. At the same time, it is also important to share relevant feedback with your team to ensure that they are given a chance to identify their problem areas and work towards them.

    All in all, being a first-time manager can seem like a daunting task. However, with the help of some guidance and tips, you can make a smooth transition. The entry-level managers program of Pearson allows organizations to inculcate leadership skills in their employees and prepare them for management roles. 

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  • Data Science: Our Ultimate Weapon Against COVID-19?

    The World Health Organisation (WHO) has declared the COVID-19 to be a pandemic. With shutdowns everywhere, the deadly virus has almost brought the world to a standstill, apart from taking thousands of lives. Already having affected over 219,345 people across the globe and close to 171 people in India, this virus still doesn’t seem to have peaked and can potentially cause more disruptions than it already has. To make matters worse, the disease is highly contagious, making it incredibly important to come up with quick solutions. This is where Artificial Intelligence and Data Science come into the picture.

    Artificial Intelligence and Data Science are behind the scenes driving cutting edge research on COVID-19. Researchers from all over the world rely on Data Science to combat the spread of the virus by deploy vaccines and suggest new strategies to quarantine and prevent this disease. Also, the Center for Disease Control and the World Health Organization are working with analytics and big data to find a lasting solution for coronavirus through research.

    Numerous intelligent systems have been developed with the help of different processes of AI and Data Science that can sift through data and determine the chances of the occurrence of the disease. Let’s talk about a few of these processes with examples.

    Predictive Analysis

    Predictive analytics refers to the utilization of data, machine learning techniques, and statistical algorithms to predict and analyse the likelihood of outcomes based on past data. These techniques has proven to be incredibly useful in this situation. 

    In fact, AI predicted the outbreak of COVID-19 in December 2019 itself using BlueDot software fueled by big data. This prediction was proven to be true when the outbreak became widespread in February 2020. BlueDot utilises machine learning and natural language processing to collect data from a large number of sources, including public health statement, digital media reports, global airline trends, animal health reports and population demographics. It was able to efficiently process huge amounts of information, every 15 minutes, 24 hours a day.

    This proven capability can be used to take faster action to prevent outbreaks of other variants of COVID-19 in the future.

    Deep Learning

    Deep learning is another subset of artificial intelligence (AI) and has networks capable of learning from unsupervised or unstructured data. Deep learning processes, such as convolutional neural network (CNN) with a significant ability of nonlinear modeling, have extensive possibilities to aid the process of combatting the virus in medical image processing. 

    A revolutionary program being developed by Insilico Medicine will help doctors learn about molecules that are capable of fighting against the coronavirus, with the help of AI. This program will provide a database of molecular information that can be used by medical researchers in their projects and for fighting or preventing deadly outbreaks like the coronavirus. Data science programs are also being used to review data from different sources, like patient records, public health data and social media. With the help of this program, it is possible to understand the location-wise intensity of the outbreak. 

    Deep learning has also of great help to researchers and is assisting them to develop an understanding of the movement patterns of the virus from the epicenter of the disease - Wuhan, China - to other parts the world. These data science technologies have largely contributed to researches being conducted to predict the structure of the virus and also the ways in which it can spread. These developments are playing a significant role in attempting to control this pandemic. 

    Through a Natural Language Processing tool (NPL) researchers at Harvard Medical School are being able to search online information regarding the coronavirus and identifying the patterns in different locations of the outbreak. For example, this natural language processing tool is aiding in differentiating between people who are complaining about coronavirus symptoms and could potentially have the disease, and those just discussing the disease. According to the Harvard Medical School, these online media trends can be of great help in the discovery of a potential outbreak and promote increased awareness and solutions.

    Graph Database

    During the pandemic, big data processes like graph databases are also proving to be incredibly capable to display complex routes of interactions among groups of people and the formation of clusters. Through these processes, it is possible to map the trains, planes, and other automobiles that take them to their destinations. In particular, with the help of graph databases researchers are able to provide valuable information about the spread of the coronavirus. Graph databases are essentially created to efficiently map complex networks. 

    Thus, Data Science and Artificial Intelligence are extremely useful in addressing the coronavirus outbreak as well as for preventing future pandemics. Data science has enabled us to be better informed about the trends in the spread of this pandemic, even as new cases are being reported daily.

    Seeing this, one can easily say that Data Science has made its way into all the key trades of the world. Considering today’s scenario, it won’t be wrong to say that it is a good time for students to venture into this technology and build a career around Data Science. HarvardX’s Data Science Program is an excellent course that prepares students to enter the domain of Data Science and equips them with the knowledge base and skills required to tackle the challenges of data analysis. The program covers concepts on inference, probability, regression, and machine learning. It will help you to develop a relevant skill set, giving you an opportunity to excel in this highly lucrative field. 

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