• Our BTEC courses set us apart: Interview of Jane Baker, VP, Business Development, UK and International, Workforce Skills

    We offer BTEC Qualifications in a wide range of subject areas – designed to equip students with the knowledge, skills and confidence needed to thrive in a skills-based global economy.

    ‘Our BTEC courses set us apart’

    The Pearson BTEC (Business Technology and Education Council) are a framework of vocational and skill-based courses, offering practical, hands-on training to students across education levels. Jane Baker, vice-president, Business Development, UK & International, Workforce Skills, Pearson, told FE’s Vikram Chaudhary that BTEC Levels 1 and 2 offer learners aged 14-18 the skills they need to prepare for a career or further education, and Level 3 are career-focused qualifications that provide students aged 16-plus with the industry skills they need to progress to employment. Excerpts:


    What kind of vocational qualifications do you offer in India?

    We offer a wide range, including BTEC (Business Technology and Education Council) – designed to equip students with the knowledge, skills and confidence needed to thrive in a skills-based economy. Developed in collaboration with industry, universities and professional bodies, BTECs emphasis on practical, hands-on learning, tailored to industry needs across sectors such as business, engineering, IT, AI, health & social care, travel & tourism, hospitality, and robotics.

    BTEC qualifications provide students a pathway to international universities. BTEC Higher Nationals (HN) are considered equivalent to the first two years of a three-year undergraduate honours’ degree in the UK. We have seen that 90% of BTEC students are likely to be employed after graduating. One of the key strengths of BTECs is their seamless integration of vocational education with academic curriculum, offering flexible learning pathways for upskilling and reskilling, providing learners with diverse career options. Over 6 million BTEC qualifications have been awarded in the last decade.

    Are BTECs similar to MOOCs? How do these align with the National Education Policy 2020 goals of mainstreaming vocational education and skilling?

    BTECs prioritise practical, applied skills over rote memorisation, which matches the NEP’s focus on hands-on learning.

    Secondly, by offering BTECs, educational institutions in India can provide students with skills that are widely accepted by employers both domestically and internationally. This contributes to the NEP’s goal of enhancing the recognition of vocational qualifications, promoting their mainstream acceptance.

    Thirdly, BTECs are designed to meet industry needs, ensuring students learn relevant skills. This ties in with the NEP’s goal of improving the quality of vocational education.

    What kind of steps do you take to ensure your vocational and academic qualifications meet industry standards?

    We’ve established industry advisory boards composed of professionals from relevant sectors. They offer insights into emerging trends, skill requirements, and technological advancements within specific industries, advising us on updating curriculum accordingly.

    We also engage with employers, corporate L&D leaders (such as from Amazon Web Services, BMW Group, Schneider Electric, etc), industry associations, and governmental bodies.

    Further, we conduct regular research on labour market trends, skill shortages, and technology, leading to reports like the Pearson Skills Outlook Report, offering insights into emerging workforce demands and skill requirements.

    What kind of partnerships do you have in India?

    We’ve partnered with Buddha Group of Institutions, Solitaire Business Schools and Jetking Infotrain to introduce Pearson’s BTEC HN courses in areas such as art & design, business management, IT, cloud computing, digital marketing and cybersecurity to provide students industry-aligned skill development opportunities, and equip them with the expertise needed to excel in the globalised workplace.

    We also collaborated with the National Skill Development Corporation International (NSDCI) to promote globally-recognised BTEC qualifications at their 11,000 training centres and 13,000 academic institutions across India.

    Globally, we offer over 2,000 qualifications across 15 sectors, catering to emerging fields such as AI, semiconductor engineering, electric vehicles, robotics, health, and social care.

    What, according to you, is the future of international collaboration and transnational education?

    We envision a promising future for international collaboration and transnational education in India, focusing on three key areas.

    Firstly, there’s an anticipation of an expanded mutual recognition of qualifications (MRQs) framework, encompassing more countries and fields. This expansion will facilitate smoother mobility for Indian students and professionals, enhancing skill development and global employability.

    Secondly, we foresee the growth of transnational education programmes, including joint degrees, dual degrees, and online/blended learning options. These will offer students opportunities to learn from international faculty, acquire industry-relevant skills, and compete more effectively in the global job market.

    About Pearson

    At Pearson, our purpose is simple: to add life to a lifetime of learning. We believe that every learning opportunity is a chance for a personal breakthrough. That’s why our c.20,000 Pearson employees are committed to creating vibrant and enriching learning experiences designed for real-life impact. We are the world’s leading learning company, serving customers in nearly 200 countries with digital content, assessments, qualifications, and data. For us, learning isn’t just what we do. It’s who we are.

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    For more information, please contact: Bhavya Suri, PR & Corporate Affairs, Pearson India & MENA-

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    BTEC Qualifications

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  • There is a critical need for upskilling initiatives in India, says Pearson executive

    In an interview with ET’s Sreeradha Basu, Jane Baker, vice-president, Workforce Skills at learning company Pearson said India stands out as a leader in the global upskilling market due to its sheer volume of learners seeking to enhance their skills and through the active support of government initiatives like Skill India.

    Professionals worldwide are upskilling at a rapid pace, and India is at the forefront of this movement, fuelled by its young and ambitious population, said Jane Baker, vice-president, Workforce Skills at learning company Pearson. In an interview to ET’s Sreeradha Basu, she said India stands out as a leader in the global upskilling market due to its sheer volume of learners seeking to enhance their skills and through the active support of government initiatives like Skill India. Edited excerpts:

    What is the kind of uptick you have seen in professionals wanting to upskill themselves? How do you compare India -- with its huge young demographic – with other countries in this respect?

    We recognise the global skills challenges, as reported by the World Economic Forum, impacting various countries, including India. This trend is attributed in part to factors like the pandemic and advancements in digitisation. As per the second edition of our Pearson Skills Outlook Report, around four in five Indian workers are interested in short courses or language programmes, and certifications from professional organisations (34%) and from platforms (34%) are the top two types of education they need to advance their careers.

    However, there is a growing concern: the reported disconnect between traditional education and the current job market demands. Many employers report a mismatch between graduates and qualifications and the specific skills needed in their workplaces. This highlights the critical need for upskilling initiatives in India.

    We have collaborated with industry, academia and governments to identify skill gaps and design globally recognised curricula and qualifications. This approach is also being implemented in India. In the same Pearson Skills Outlook Report, technical skills like data science, cloud computing, AI and cybersecurity are demanded widely in India, alongside soft skills like communication and critical thinking.

    What are your growth plans in India? How do you see yourself scaling up in this market?

    In India, we are looking at expanding our presence and impact in three key areas – higher education, workforce skills and English language learning. Our workforce skills business focuses on collaborating with government institutions, educational institutions and corporations.

    We are actively participating in the skilling initiatives, offering skill development courses in emerging sectors, language proficiency programmes, and communication skills training and supporting the goals of the NEP (National Education Policy) 2020, which emphasises affordable, equitable and universal access to quality education.

    Globally, we are actively engaged with employers, corporate L&D (learning and development) leaders (such as Amazon Web Services, BMW Group and Schneider Electric) and industry associations. These collaborations enable us to understand evolving sector needs and tailor qualifications, accordingly, seeking feedback on existing programmes and identifying emerging skill gaps.

    Do you plan to launch more programmes in India? Which are the most popular among the existing ones?

    We continuously assess emerging trends and skill demands to shape our programmes globally, including in India. Our approach involves collaborating with industry advisory boards, comprised of experts, to refine curriculum and qualifications. In India, our focus sectors include digitech, healthcare and e-vehicles, aligning with the evolving skill needs.

    Popular programmes in India encompass artificial intelligence (AI), robotics and machine learning (ML), reflecting the growing interest in upskilling and reskilling. Globally, trends indicate a surge in demand for programmes in technology such as AI/ML, robotics, data analytics and semiconductor manufacturing, Emerging industries like e-sports event management, finance and e-vehicle engineering, growing sectors such as green technology and healthcare.

    We plan to expand Pearson BTEC (Business and Technology Education Council) programmes, analyse course preferences and forge new partnerships nationwide. Additionally, we aim to create accessible learning solutions, including digital credentialing tools and workforce analysis for employers.

    About Pearson

    At Pearson, our purpose is simple: to add life to a lifetime of learning. We believe that every learning opportunity is a chance for a personal breakthrough. That’s why our c.20,000 Pearson employees are committed to creating vibrant and enriching learning experiences designed for real-life impact. We are the world’s leading learning company, serving customers in nearly 200 countries with digital content, assessments, qualifications, and data. For us, learning isn’t just what we do. It’s who we are.

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    For more information, please contact: Bhavya Suri, PR & Corporate Affairs, Pearson India & MENA-

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    BTEC Qualifications

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  • Only 27% of respondents say they fully express themselves at work using English: Survey

    While 85 percent of people feel that English is critical for work and more than 60 percent use English on a weekly basis, only a quarter feel confident across all four skills of reading, listening, writing, and speaking English in the workplace.

    Nearly three-quarters (72 percent) went as far as to say their jobs would be easier if they knew better English, and only a quarter (27 percent) of respondents felt they could fully express themselves when using the language to do their jobs, according to a survey by Pearson.

    While 85 percent of people feel that English is critical for work and more than 60 percent use English on a weekly basis, only a quarter feel confident across all four skills of reading, listening, writing, and speaking English in the workplace.

    Pearson interviewed more than 5,000 speakers of English as a second or additional language from Japan, Saudi Arabia, Brazil, Italy, and Florida (USA).  Across all countries, 80 percent of respondents believe English proficiency skills are directly linked to earning potential, viewing strong English language skills as leading to as much as an 80 percent salary increase.

    Those with the highest English proficiency are more satisfied with their existing income and jobs. According to the research, three-quarters (75 percent) of advanced English speakers are satisfied with their income, compared with less than half (47 percent) of beginner English speakers. Nearly 9 in 10 (88 percent) advanced speakers are satisfied with their job, but this number goes down to fewer than two-thirds (64 percent) among beginners.

    The study from Pearson also shows more than half (51 percent) of English learners think knowing the language will open up a wider range of job roles, while two-fifths (40 percent) say English will help them climb the ladder to more senior positions in their field – a number which increases to 56 percent in Saudi Arabia, and to half (50 percent) in Brazil and Florida.

    About Pearson

    At Pearson, our purpose is simple: to add life to a lifetime of learning. We believe that every learning opportunity is a chance for a personal breakthrough. That’s why our c.20,000 Pearson employees are committed to creating vibrant and enriching learning experiences designed for real-life impact. We are the world’s leading learning company, serving customers in nearly 200 countries with digital content, assessments, qualifications, and data. For us, learning isn’t just what we do. It’s who we are.

    Visit us at:

    For more information, please contact: Bhavya Suri, PR & Corporate Affairs, Pearson India & MENA-

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  • Studying in Canada: All about PTE Core, the English language proficiency test

    PTE Academic and PTE Core are both English language proficiency tests but they serve different purposes and cater to distinct audiences.

    Speaking English is more than just a talent in a world where communication is essential—it’s a gateway to opportunities that can change people’s lives. For those looking to go abroad for studies or work, higher English proficiency correlates strongly with higher salaries, better job opportunities, and a better social life.

    Prabhul Ravindran, Director, English Language Learning, Pearson India in an email interview with Financial Express Online shares the importance of English language proficiency tests, especially the PTE Core, and how it differs from PTE Academic. Excerpts:

    How does PTE Core aim to empower test takers in fulfilling their aspirations of living and working in Canada?

    The approval from Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) signifies that PTE Core meets the official standards for proving English language proficiency, thus providing test takers with a credible pathway toward their immigration goals.

    Unlike traditional academic English proficiency tests, PTE Core is designed with a vocational and real-life focus. This means that the test assesses English language skills in contexts relevant to everyday life and work scenarios, which is particularly beneficial for individuals seeking to integrate into the Canadian workforce and society.

    The accessibility and convenience of PTE Core further contribute to its ability to empower test takers. With the option to book the test online up to 24 hours in advance and year-round availability of test centre slots worldwide, PTE Core offers a flexible and efficient testing experience. Additionally, the rapid turnaround time for receiving test results, typically within two days, enables individuals to progress swiftly with their immigration plans.

    What are the differences between PTE Academic and PTE Core?

    PTE Academic and PTE Core are both English language proficiency tests provided by Pearson, yet they serve different purposes and cater to distinct audiences. Both tests assess the four key English language skills speaking, listening, reading, and writing. However, the content and structure of the tests differ.

    PTE Academic primarily targets academic test takers, such as students applying to universities or colleges, focusing on evaluating language skills within academic contexts.

    In contrast, PTE Core is specifically designed for vocational test takers, emphasizing real-life, non-academic scenarios relevant to professions and daily interactions. Additionally, the scoring criteria and test format may vary between the two tests to accommodate their respective target audiences.

    Further, PTE Core is for Canadian economic visa purposes only at present. People wanting to study in Canada for both SDS and non-Student Direct Stream (SDS) visas or worldwide and live or work in the UK, Australia or New Zealand need to take PTE Academic as usual.

    This difference in task complexity and context reflects the distinct needs and expectations of their respective target audiences. As a result, test takers should consider their specific objectives and linguistic competencies when choosing between the two tests.

    How does Pearson’s PTE distinguish itself from competitors like IELTS, TOEFL etc and does IELTS still hold a monopolistic presence in the English proficiency testing industry in India?

    PTE widespread acceptance by institutions and governments globally is a key factor in its prominence. PTE Academic is accepted by over 3,300 universities and colleges worldwide, including prestigious institutions like Harvard Business School, INSEAD, and Yale. This broad recognition extends to countries such as Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the USA, the UK, and Ireland, underlining trust in PTE’s assessments.

    Significantly, PTE Academic’s recognition by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) for Student Direct Stream (SDS) applications is noteworthy, affirming its quality and credibility for Canadian immigration. Governments in Australia, the UK, and New Zealand also accept PTE scores for visas and study, reflecting trust in its proficiency evaluations.

    Last year IRCC approved four new English language assessments, which include PTE Academic, and with recent recognition of PTE Core as well, individuals planning to study, work or immigrate abroad now have credible alternatives to prove their English proficiency.

    PTE’s features, include fast results within 48 hours and AI-powered assessment eliminating human bias, making it one of the fastest, fairest, and most accurate tests available.

    Overall, Pearson’s PTE offers test takers a reliable and efficient way to demonstrate their English language proficiency, making it a preferred choice for individuals aspiring to study, work, or immigrate abroad.

    In what ways is Pearson supporting the global education journey of Indian students?

    We play a vital role in supporting the global education journey by offering comprehensive learning and assessment solutions. Our focus is to empower students with proficiency in English, a crucial skill in today’s competitive global landscape.

    In partnership with various organizations, we offer value propositions to support students’ journeys. This includes initiatives like our collaboration with University Living, to provide assistance with accommodation, financial services, and logistics for study-abroad aspirants in India, enabling them to focus on their preparation for PTE, without the distraction and anxiety about accommodation and financial support.

    From practice tests, and sample question banks to online tutorials, students get to access a wide range of tools that cater to their diverse learning styles to prepare for the PTE test. These resources help boost a student’s confidence while also improving their English language proficiency. To help students overcome doubts, we offer a step-by-step guide enlisting the process and providing a broader picture of the activities to be performed during the PTE Academic exam.

    Furthermore, with an extensive network of PTE centres spanning the globe, we ensure easy access to our English proficiency tests, facilitating students in achieving their academic and professional objectives abroad.

    What developments do you anticipate in the future of English language proficiency testing or assessment?

    One prominent trend is the continued integration of AI and ML algorithms to enhance the assessment process. These technologies, when combined with human expertise, will refine scoring mechanisms, ensuring even greater precision and objectivity in evaluating candidates’ language skills.

    Future assessments may incorporate more interactive tasks and simulations that mirror authentic communication contexts, such as virtual role-plays or collaborative problem-solving activities, designed with a real-life, non-academic focus. This shift towards assessing functional language proficiency aligns with the evolving needs of academia, employment, and global communication, where effective language use in practical situations holds paramount importance.

    Other potential future trends could involve the integration of AI-driven platforms to offer personalized study plans, adaptive practice exercises, and targeted feedback based on the individual needs identified through a Skills Profile. This would enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of test preparation, ultimately leading to better outcomes for test-takers.

    Are there sufficient PTE test centers equipped with state-of-the-art facilities to accommodate the current demand? What does the demand for studying, working, or immigrating to India look like? 

    With over 477 test centres in 119 countries, including more than 50 centres in India alone, we have taken proactive measures to ensure accessibility for both PTE Academic and PTE Core test takers across various regions. 

    Demonstrating our commitment to providing modern and secure testing environments, we have established a 90-seater state-of-the-art test centre in Chandigarh. This spacious facility reflects our ongoing efforts to cater to the growing demand from students and professionals seeking international opportunities.

    In addition to our Pearson Professional Centres, we are actively engaged in strategic partnerships to further expand our network and provide greater accessibility. This commitment is exemplified by our collaboration with Pearson VUE and HCLTech, which has resulted in the opening of several strategically chosen locations addressing the specific needs and ensuring convenient testing options for local candidates.

    Over the past five years, we have witnessed a significant increase in test registrations across India, with states like Punjab, Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, and Maharashtra leading the way. This growing demand underscores the strong interest among Indian students and professionals in pursuing opportunities abroad.

    About Pearson

    At Pearson, our purpose is simple: to add life to a lifetime of learning. We believe that every learning opportunity is a chance for a personal breakthrough. That’s why our c.20,000 Pearson employees are committed to creating vibrant and enriching learning experiences designed for real-life impact. We are the world’s leading learning company, serving customers in nearly 200 countries with digital content, assessments, qualifications, and data. For us, learning isn’t just what we do. It’s who we are.

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    For more information, please contact: Bhavya Suri, PR & Corporate Affairs, Pearson India & MENA-

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  • Pearson India launches its first book vending machine for consumers in Bengaluru

    Through this initiative, Pearson India will offer a wide selection of the latest editions of learning and education books that are currently published by Pearson

    Pearson India, recently launched its first book vending machine in India, reaching out to learners directly in the country. Through this initiative, Pearson India aims to provide easy access to a wide range of academic books, directly to the customers, enhancing their overall purchase experience. The vending machine is installed in Pearson India’s office on Richmond Road.

    Through this initiative, Pearson India will offer a wide selection of the latest editions of learning and education books that are currently published by Pearson. Customers, including students and professionals, can make direct payment at the vending machine through UPI and purchase their desired book easily and conveniently, in less than 30 seconds. Over the next few months, Pearson India will set up a few such vending machines across different parts of the country, said the company release.

    Vinay Swamy, Country Head, Pearson India, said, “There is an upward trend of students and learners buying reference material to prepare for their entrance exams and academic preparation in India. This book vending machine leverages the buying-onthe-go trend to capitalize on this market opportunity.

    We plan to expand this initiative in India by setting up more book vending machines across educational hubs in India that will create innovative touchpoints for consumers, who are looking for simple, easy, and convenient ways of purchasing book,” he further added.

    About Pearson

    At Pearson, our purpose is simple: to add life to a lifetime of learning. We believe that every learning opportunity is a chance for a personal breakthrough. That’s why our c.20,000 Pearson employees are committed to creating vibrant and enriching learning experiences designed for real-life impact. We are the world’s leading learning company, serving customers in nearly 200 countries with digital content, assessments, qualifications, and data. For us, learning isn’t just what we do. It’s who we are.

    Visit us at:

    For more information, please contact: Bhavya Suri, PR & Corporate Affairs, Pearson India & MENA-

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  • Downtime: How baking taught Pearson India’s Vinay Swamy essential lessons in leadership

    Baking cakes is not just a way for Pearson India's Vinay Swamy to unwind and bond with his children. It has also taught him to plan ahead and manage his time better

    A qualified chartered accountant and a corporate finance leader, Vinay Swamy, Country Head of learning company Pearson India, keeps a busy schedule. Yet, he has figured out ways to keep himself focussed and pumped up through the work week by spending his ‘me time’ doing something that delights him. For starters, he spends his mornings relaxing in his terrace garden. And every other week, he indulges himself by baking cakes.

    Baking, he says, helps him to unwind, connect with his family, and create memories with them. For this baking enthusiast, the journey started in 2014, when he decided to turn his love of baking into a meaningful pursuit. And for that, he enrolled in a certification course at the Bengaluru-based Institute of Baking & Cake Art. “This allowed me to bake a strawberry cake for my mother-in-law’s 60th birthday. It’s been 10 years now, and she still recalls it as one of the best cakes she has ever had,” Swamy says with a smile.

    The Pearson India boss says his ardour for baking has also played a pivotal role in his parenting journey. He recalls how he began baking delectable chocolate cakes nearly every week for his wife when his younger daughter Maanya was on the way. “This not only heightened my love for baking, but it also became a medium to craft some of my most cherished memories,” he says, adding that now, every moment spent baking with his children is a treasure for him. Not only do these baking sessions bring them closer, he says, but they also give him an opportunity to impart vital life skills to his children. For him, it’s a fun way of forging connections and cultivating endearing memories, and at the same time sharing in the sheer delight of baking a delicious cake.

    Swamy says that the true joy of baking is not just in the end product, but in the process of making a cake. It’s a meticulous process that requires careful planning and foresight, which Swamy says, has helped him organise his life better.

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  • Only in Bengaluru? Vending machine for books on economy, marketing offers UPI payment

    The Pearson vending machine was equipped with a 'Prepare Well' hashtag painted on it.

    A vending machine for books, equipped with UPI payment options, has been sighted in Bengaluru and shared on social media branded as a “peak Bengaluru” moment.

    The photograph shared by X user Ramanan (@Ramanan) shows the Pearson vending machine offering a curated selection of books spanning subjects such as Indian economy, marketing, UGC, and machine learning. The user tagged the X handle of Peak Bengaluru, that is known for sharing viral ‘only in Bengaluru’ moments.

    Bengaluru, known as the Silicon Valley of India, continues to surprise with innovative solutions. The vending machine equipped with a “Prepare Well” hashtag painted on the machine also hints at the high pressure of Indian students prepping for competitive examinations.

    The X user who shared the snapshot, expressed his amazement with a tweet that read, "Vending machine for books with UPI payment @peakbengaluru moment."

    Vending machines traditionally dispense snacks, chips, candy, drinks and other readymade snacks in exchange of cash. With technology, UPI payments are also a mode of payment for people using the vending machines. However, vending machines selling books have not been too common especially in India.

    About Pearson

    At Pearson, our purpose is simple: to add life to a lifetime of learning. We believe that every learning opportunity is a chance for a personal breakthrough. That’s why our c.20,000 Pearson employees are committed to creating vibrant and enriching learning experiences designed for real-life impact. We are the world’s leading learning company, serving customers in nearly 200 countries with digital content, assessments, qualifications, and data. For us, learning isn’t just what we do. It’s who we are.

    Visit us at:

    For more information, please contact: Bhavya Suri, PR & Corporate Affairs, Pearson India & MENA-

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