Education blog by Pearson India

  • How To Implement Highly Engaging Blended Learning in Higher Education

    Learning structures in today’s times are not as rigid as they used to be. There are no restrictions on where or who you can learn from. Since the introduction of online education, learning is not bound by uncompromised, hectic college hours. Today, digital learning has excelled to the point that it is considered mandatory by most individuals as well as educational institutes. And for higher education, it is believed that blended learning can give you more scope than offline or online learning can give you individually.

    There was a time when we thought that, in terms of blended learning, we could go as far as using calculators in classrooms. But now the integration of offline and online learning has gone beyond many unpredictable scopes.

    Higher education is a crucial phase in the academic years. Hence, it’s relevant for learners as well as teachers to combine traditional and digital learning methods. When it comes to online learning, most of the responsibility falls on the learners. But when integrated with offline learning, one can have a multidimensional approach to studying.

    Here’s how teachers can implement highly engaging blended learning in higher education.

    Decide on a learning model

    You can use different learning methods for blended teaching. They all have different objectives and benefits. You can choose one that fits well for your students or your class.

    • Lab Rotation: You can dedicate specific time for lab learning as it gives students an opportunity for experiential learning.
    • Flex Learning: The flex learning method gives students a chance to work with the teachers on digital courses while simultaneously receiving personal mentorship.
    • Flip Rotation: Through this learning method, students are first introduced to concepts at home through online learning, and the same is discussed or practiced in offline classrooms.

    Create customized learning patterns

    Every student is different. They have different goals, different approaches and objectives towards learning. You can give them an opportunity for blended learning through online sources. You can assign individual or group learning projects. You can introduce your students to resources that best suit their interests. They get the advantage of studying at their own pace, at their own time, and also receiving face-to-face guidance through offline learning.

    Use multimedia tools

    The best part about digital education is that it is driven by creative and innovative learning methods. While the traditional book and pen are still celebrated, using multimedia tools like VR, case studies, audio-video, AR games, etc., has proven to complement their learning abilities. It helps build better recall and gives a chance for students to learn through interactive methods.

    Assign online research and coursework

    While the learning may occur in classrooms, you can give students a chance to go beyond their boundaries by assigning more online research, homework, and projects. This gives them an opportunity to learn independently, explore on their own, and use more digital resources to educate themselves.

    Encourage independent learning

    Speaking of independent learning, you can introduce students to concepts and information through offline learning and encourage them to use digital learning solutions for advanced learning. This helps you, students, to find your own direction and come back to the classrooms with a lot more information to ponder. Independent learning gives students the chance to build and follow a schedule on their own. During higher education, students tend to indulge in as many learning activities as possible. Independent learning will give them a chance to keep up with it at their own will and prioritize their choices better.

    Hold both online and offline discussions

    Digital learning is very diverse, and so are the interests of students. Encouraging them to share their offline and online learning in both environments will bring diversity to learning. Face-to-face and online discussions each have their own benefits. Different learning methods can help students figure out the ones that benefit them the most. Having open discussions about the same will make students discuss their concepts, doubts, and ideas in an offline classroom. This gives you a better vision of how to integrate blended teaching that helps your students in the best way possible.

    Pearson’s digital learning solutions are designed for blended learning. Their resources include many learning methods that can be integrated into classrooms or the curriculum. It includes course books, question banks, mock tests, homework, and projects that students can pursue independently and discuss the same in the classroom. Their interactive learning comprises many practical case studies that give students an opportunity to enhance their critical thinking. Pearson’s digital learning solutions offer a wholesome experience of blended learning.

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  • 5 Reasons why online learning solutions are the future of higher education

    Online learning has been around for a while now. But some would say that it got a massive push during the Corona times when classroom sessions turned into Zoom sessions. However, that is only a glimpse of the substantial potential of online learning. It is not limited to shifting from offline classes to online ones; it goes beyond that.

    Online learning plays a crucial role in studying for the academic curriculum as well as the professional field. Since digital learning has been incorporated into the very early years of schooling, the scope of learning has expanded multifold. As the objective and discipline of learning change each year, it is no surprise that in today’s tech-savvy world, online learning solutions are the future of higher education.

    To make the most of your academic years, it is beneficial to make optimum use of online learning resources. Here are the top five reasons why you should opt for digital learning solutions for higher education.

    Reduced costs, increased flexibility

    A lot of people consider online learning as their best option because it does not cost a fortune or costs relatively less than offline courses. Due to financial barriers, it might not be possible for everyone to get into prestigious universities or opt for the best offline institutes. However, that does not limit the scope of learning. Since there are a variety of online learning options available, it is possible to get access to the best education on a budget.

    Online learning provides you with the freedom to learn at your own pace. You can learn things in the comfort of your own learning capabilities without the fear of lagging behind other students. You can visit and revisit your classes or get access to learning materials at any time and anywhere.

    A wide selection of programmes

    The Internet is a vast space and is not dominated by only a few academic disciplines. There are various courses with different objectives from which you can choose. You can opt for shorter or longer programmes depending on your plans. Digital learning is not bound by the idea of learning in only one discipline. You can choose multiple programmes that are either related or not related to each other. It all depends on your ability to consume and your willingness to learn.

    Multi-tasking made easier

    Many students in higher education prefer to start working in their chosen professional fields. It can be for the purpose of learning through internships, maintaining a lifestyle, or providing for your family. It is possible to carry on with your work and studies through digital learning.

    You are free to pursue other interests which can or cannot be education-related. You can choose to travel and explore the world while learning simultaneously. Higher education is the academic year of experimentation. You can do that without the fear of missing out on learning, as you have unlimited access to your study materials in the comfort of your own time and palace.

    Personalized learning experiences

    Online learning has teachers and peers too. But it gives you a chance to create your own learning decorum. Online learning solutions are so diverse that you can choose or create your own learning methods and get access to various tools and materials that suit your needs the best. Everybody has a different approach to learning, and if you want to explore yours, you can do that with digital education.

    It's easy to incorporate with offline learning

    Many students who opt for learning online along with offline classes do so for many reasons, like accessing advanced learning or different study materials. If you get e-learning opportunities that align with your offline course, or if you want to learn about different streams of your interest, you can do so by easily integrating your offline and online learning. This not only gives you a chance to learn more, but you also get to go beyond the four walls of your classroom and learn from as many sources as you can.

    Pearson’s digital learning solutions are designed to provide low-cost programmes that are suitable not only for students but also for educational institutes as well as their faculties. They have extensive learning materials that are driven by innovative learning methods to suit the diversity of students across the globe. They have a plethora of coursebooks, multiple educational disciplines, and virtual classrooms. Pearson’s digital learning solutions take you beyond traditional learning and introduce you to many other learning opportunities.

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  • 5 PTE Myths That Can Misguide You & Affect Your PTE Test Score

    The intimidation of appearing for an exam knows no discrimination. Every individual goes through it. And when you appear for an exam as competitive as the PTE, you are bound to go through phases of intimidation. You will try looking through various sources to get the best learning materials, discover every hack you can, skim through every question paper from previous years. This is an excellent strategy to learn and perform your best. But you should have a strict gatekeeping method to figure out which of these sources, tips, and tricks are reliable.

    The PTE exam assesses your command of the English language. The qualification for this exam depends on your accuracy in listening, writing, speaking, and reading English. Irrespective of whether English is your first language or not, this can come across as a tough examination to clear. But does that mean you should hold back? No, it simply means you need to learn precisely and save yourself from the PTE myths floating on the internet.

    Let’s bust some myths so you not only know the do’s of preparing for the PTE Academic but also know the don’ts.

    1.  Backspace can make you lose score

    When you are appearing for the writing format of the PTE test, you are bound to spare some time thinking, writing your answer, and through the process, you might want to change your answer or fix a spelling error. Don’t hesitate to backspace your whole answer if you have to, as it does not affect your final score.

    What you have to be careful about is that you are thoughtful in your answer and that it is relevant to the question. You do not have to settle for an answer that you are unsatisfied with. If you have enough time left, you can always backspace and correct your entire answer or just the bits of it.

    2.  Finish your answer long before the timer ends

    PTE exam formats are time-bound. There’s no need to panic about it because you will have time to think about your answer. It doesn't matter if you finish your answer long before your timer ends or right on time. It will not affect your PTE score in any way.

    However, you have to practise thinking and acting quickly. The time span to answer each question is limited but also enough. So, it is important to keep this factor in mind when you are for PTE Academic.

    3.  Use complex vocabulary

    This is a myth that not only prevails in the PTE examination but also in daily life. The goal of this exam is not for you to learn the most difficult English words or the most complex sentences. You have to be able to put your thoughts across in a non-colloquial language that is easy to understand.

    You can add reading as an essential part of the PTE examination so you can enhance your vocabulary and learn its precise application. Don’t invest time in finding the difficult words because of the myth that they make you look smart. Communicating in simplistic and understandable language is the key.

    4.  Accents help you score better

    A PTE exam score can help you get a global job, a visa, or an academic opportunity. Hence, the myth is that if you are someone who knows many accents, you are bound to score better in the speaking format. But that’s not true.

    To deliver an impeccable performance in the speaking round of PTE, you have to learn to speak clearly, pronounce words accurately, and have a subtle voice range that is loud enough but does not sound like you are screaming.

    5.  Select all the options if you are confused

    The format of the PTE MCQs depends on the sole idea of selecting one correct answer throughout the exam. If you are confused and do not know the answer to the question, selecting all of the options is not going to help you score in any way because you think that at least one of them is the correct one.

    Take time to think, analyze, and then pick your answer. That’s the only way you can score on the exam. If you select all the options, that particular question will not be counted in your PTE score.

    There are many ways you can prepare for your PTE exam. You can look through the internet to find study materials or learn from the alumnus of this examination. But one of the most reliable and certified sources is to get Pearson’s PTE Academic official coursebooks. They cover every aspect of learning and practising that you need to prepare for the exam. They also have mock tests that give you a taste of the official examination.

    Learning the right way is the core to qualifying for PTE Academic. As a result, it is only prudent to study from reliable sources rather than fall prey to myths propagated by untrustworthy websites or study materials.

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  • 5 Last Minutes PTE Test Preparation Tips For Scoring High Score

    Every examination generally has three phases of preparation. Learning comes first, followed by practising everything you've learned, and finally last-minute preparation. No matter how much you have studied or how well you have prepared, those last few days or the last few hours of preparation give you a morale boost. If you skip, then chances are that it might leave you worrying and wondering if you missed out on something.

    PTE preparation needs to be given at least a few months time. It is an examination that tests your proficiency in the English language and opens your path to global opportunities for jobs, studies, and immigration.

    Even if you are someone whose first language is English, you will need to set aside enough time to prepare for the PTE exam if you want to score high. Its qualification depends on how accurate your command of the language is and guages many of its technicalities, including grammar. Hence, it won’t be beneficial to rely on your daily communication language since it is not as accurate as the examination requires it to be.

    Preparing with the right study materials can help you pass the exam with flying colours. And to boost your confidence even more, here are some PTE exam tips that you can follow.

    1. Go over your notes

    Throughout your PTE exam preparation, you have to make sure to take down notes about everything. You can make notes about topics that you are good at, topics that you are weak it, important information that you think you might need to glance at the last minute, note it all down. Make an excel sheet if you have to and keep it organized.

    You can make vocabulary notes about new words you discover or words you find difficult to pronounce. Make sure to take notes of grammar lessons too. Keep everything simple enough to skim through and recollect the information.

    2. Check your equipment

    One of the factors that most PTE candidates neglect are checking their equipment and gadgets. Earlier, it was mandatory for candidates to appear for the exam only through the designated centre. But now, you can appear for the exam from anywhere if you have the resources. You will need a computer, a speaker, and a microphone.

    No matter if you are giving the examination from the centre or from your home, check if all your devices are functioning properly. Especially your microphone or earphones. Since one of the rounds of the PTE test involves speaking, you have to make sure that your mic is not faulty so your answers are recorded correctly.

    3. Do activities that calm you before the exam

    Now, most candidates will think that this is not a part of the PTE preparation. But that’s not true. It is important that you are not only academically prepared but also mentally at peace to appear for the exam. Exams are bound to stress you but do not let them panic you.

    Listening to songs, going for a frisk walk, talking to someone, or watching your favourite video are some of the things that can help you calm a few hours or minutes before you appear for your PTE examination.

    4. Be well-rested

    Exam stress cannot be avoided but it also should not be neglected. Do not exhaust yourself mentally or physically before your D-day. Eat well, sleep enough, and stay sharp because that your mind needs to do a lot of thinking for a couple of hours.

    If you are not well-rested, you will be agitated, and that can negatively affect your PTE score. We don’t want that, do we? So, do not feel guilty to give yourself a good rest a day before your exam.

    5. Appear for practice tests

    Practice tests begin in the second phase of your exam preparation, but they must continue till the end. It helps to stay alert, to learn, and to keep your mind working. Plus, it helps you perform well in a time-bound examination that is part of PTE Academic. A few days or weeks before your examination, you should invest as much time as you can in appearing for unique practise tests. This keeps you competitive and you never stop learning.

    Pearson’s PTE Academic coursebooks have all the practise test questions that you can ever need to prepare for the exam. They also have online tests which give you your score in 2 business days. Hence, you have enough time to gauge your performance and strategise your preparation further.

    The purpose of these last-minute PTE tips is to help you achieve a well-rounded preparation. You should not solely rely on these and invest a good amount of time in studying from the relevant materials before you jump to last-minute preparations.

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  • Strategies to Increase Critical Thinking Skills in students

    The learning acquired in schools serves multi-dimensional purposes. It shapes your interests, future education plans, career plans, and personality. This cannot be accomplished solely through the school curriculum, but rather through a combination of academic learning and the development of life skills such as critical thinking.

    What is critical thinking?

    If you have already come across this term before, then you must know that this is a complex subject to discuss. But let’s try and break it down in the most simplified form. Critical thinking is the process of actively conceptualizing, analyzing, and applying the information gathered through observation, experience, or reflection. It relies on rationality and reasoning. Critical thinking is the ability to find solutions on the basis of evaluation, logic, and evidence.

    Have you ever caught yourself in a moment where you have mugged up an answer to a question or a definition of a scientific phenomenon without clearly understanding its meaning and application? It does not take long for this one moment to turn into a habit. This might help you remember the answers, but your quality of learning is deteriorating.

    Instead, if you choose to understand the definition, figure out its application and purpose, and go through some examples, you will not only remember the answer, but you will be learning consciously and expanding your knowledge. This is how critical thinking works.

    Why should students have critical thinking skills?

    There is a difference between memorization and learning. That difference is critical thinking. Everything you learn in school might have a practical implication in your professional life. You must have critical thinking skills in order to not just follow ideas or facts but to find the meaning and connection behind them.

    It helps you form relevant arguments, find errors in reasoning, and synthesise solutions to problems. It is important that you develop this skill early in school because, as you move on, life gets tougher when you make choices like choosing a major in education or starting your own venture in the future. Critical thinking skills will be at the core of your decision-making.

    How to increase critical thinking skills as a student?

    1. Ask questions

    It is often seen that students hesitate to ask questions in the classroom. It could be the result of a fear of speaking in public or of embarrassment. But don't hold back from asking questions that could help you learn better. Asking questions enhances your critical thinking in learning.

    You can often wait for your class to finish before personally approaching your teacher and clearing up your questions. One question may lead to another, and that will further help in clearing your concepts. If nothing else, then you can always turn to the Internet and ask questions without being judged. Whereas when it comes to classrooms, here are a couple of questions that you may ask:

    • Can you elaborate further?
    • Can you give an example?
    • Is there any other way to learn this?
    • Can I use a different point of view?
    • Can you explain this in a simpler manner?

    2. Participate in discussions

    Critical thinking skills for students can be developed through social experiences. If you get opportunities to participate in discussions, both online and offline, you must go ahead with it. This will help you come across different perspectives, it will introduce you to new information, you will face disagreements and more. It can give you a lot to think about and analyze. Plus, it helps you develop better communication skills.

    3. Practice active learning

    If you want to remember what you studied through understanding and not just by reciting it innumerable times, then you must practise active learning. It is a method of learning that is based on an experiential approach. Active learning can be achieved through group learning, case studies, demonstrations, visual learning, etc.

    4. Study with the help of examples

    It is easy to remember information through examples and stories as they reflect the practical implications. They contribute to mindful learning. Real-life examples, anecdotes, analogies, and facts help develop critical thinking skills.

    5. Go beyond academic learning

    The academic curriculum helps you lay the foundation for further learning. It is impossible to gather every piece of knowledge in the world or even on a particular subject. But if something strikes your curiosity, then go beyond your academic textbooks and indulge in more research and learning with the help of the Internet.

    Pearson’s K12 education is focused on providing learning that helps students build critical thinking skills. It involves interactive learning activities and games that make education light-hearted and effective for students from pre-primary till class 12th. Pearson also offers support to teachers through its Active Teach and Comprehensive Teacher Resource Books. This helps teachers keep up with modern times and opt for innovative teaching techniques.

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  • 10 Key Strategies & Tips to Ace Your School Exams with Flying Numbers

    No matter how much you dread exams as a student, they have a purpose of benefiting you in ways that you might not understand in your early school years, but they will help you go a long way in your future education and professional world. Not every student despises exams. Some very gladly look forward to it. The competitive spirit of the exams and the accolades followed by performing well in them are cherished by most.

    The importance of good scores on school exams is not just limited to graduating to the next grade. It helps you build confidence, it gives you an opportunity for self-reflection, and you can gauge your potential. Acing your school exams with flying numbers feels rewarding and opens doors to many opportunities post-school.

    Here are some exam preparation tips that you can rely on to perform well on your school exams. Even though every school year is different, you can ace every exam by constantly using these key strategies.

    1. Know the exam paper pattern

    Every subject has a paper pattern that gives you an idea of the weightage certain topics have. The paper pattern helps you evaluate which questions may or may not be on the exam paper. This is only to give you an outline of the question paper and the marks each format accounts for.

    2. Focus on both your strengths and weaknesses

    Your strengths and weaknesses could be across various topics in one subject or across all subjects. Keep track of it under both scenarios. Knowing your strengths will give you confidence, and knowing your weaknesses will help you understand what you need to work on the most. This way, you will invest time in subject areas that need more attention.

    3. Use notes and flashcards

    You can create separate written notes or highlight them in your books to refer to later. You can also use flashcards to improve your memory. This is one of the top exam preparation strategies as it effectively develops active recall.

    4. Clear your doubts long before your exams

    Do not let last-minute doubts fade your confidence. They are bound to occur. Hence, don’t be hesitant to take help from your teachers, friends, peers, or any fellow students. You can try to solve it on your own, but if you cannot, then make sure you figure it out sooner and get it solved before your exams.

    5. Tutor other students

    Tutoring your fellow classmates is like killing two birds with one stone. You get to help others as well as yourself. Teaching others is a good way to test your knowledge or do a quick revision.

    6. Create a timetable

    A timetable is of the utmost importance as it keeps you disciplined. You get to allocate your time to different activities in an organised manner. Make sure to create a timetable throughout your academic years and not just a couple of days before your exams.

    7. Solve past year’s exam papers

    Solving old question papers is a good way to practise what you have learnt. It gives you an insight into the kinds of questions that you can expect. You may come across some concepts that you missed out on or thought were not of importance. It’s a stepping stone in your exam preparation.

    8. Make a list of important questions

    You have to prepare every concept for your exams, but every subject has a set of important questions that you must put extra focus on. However, it is important to not neglect other topics and only depend on reliable sources for a list of important questions. It helps you narrow down your preparation and forms a hierarchy of topics based on their importance.

    9. Make a list of formulas

    Math and science are the two subjects in schools that have various formulas. It is easy to get overwhelmed by them. So, it would be helpful to note them down on a sheet of paper and refer to them while solving the questions. Gradually, you can memorise them and go through them for last-minute exam preparation.

    10. Use online study materials if needed

    Make the most of technology by looking for extra study materials. But you have to keep two things in mind. Firstly, give more importance to your textbooks and, secondly, only choose reliable online study materials. Don’t overburden yourself with different sources.

    Pearson’s K12 offers a cohesive learning environment for school students. You can use their Active App to learn at any time, at your own pace. The Pearson Active App is suitable for every learning style. Its study materials are highly interactive, which makes learning fun. You also get access to their e-books and worksheets that will help you ace your school exams with flying numbers.

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  • UPSC Main Preparation 2022: Tips and Tricks to Crack the Exam

    UPSC Civil Services Exams are one of the most prestigious and difficult exams to pass in India. UPSC stands for the Union Public Service Commission, which conducts the nationwide Civil Services Examinations (CSE) for recruitment to the higher civil services of the Government of India. UPSC recruits for both civil and defense services.

    When we hear of UPSC, the top service jobs we think of are IAS, IPS, and IFS. However, there are 24 different civil service posts that UPSC recruits candidates for through their Civil Services Examination. Based on all three types of civil service, here are the 24 job posts that you can explore.

    1. All India Civil Services

    • Indian Administrative Service (IAS)
    • Indian Police Service (IPS)
    • Indian Forest Service (IFoS)

    2. Group ‘A’ Civil Services

    • Indian Foreign Service (IFS)
    • Indian Audit and Accounts Service (IAAS)
    • Indian Civil Accounts Service (ICAS)
    • Indian Corporate Law Service (ICLS)
    • Indian Defence Accounts Service (IDAS)
    • Indian Defence Estates Service (IDES)
    • Indian Information Service (IIS)
    • Indian Ordnance Factories Service (IOFS)
    • Indian Communication Finance Services (ICFS)
    • Indian Postal Service (IPoS)
    • Indian Railway Accounts Service (IRAS)
    • Indian Railway Personnel Service (IRPS)
    • Indian Railway Traffic Service (IRTS)
    • Indian Revenue Service (IRS)
    • ndian Trade Service (ITS)
    • Railway Protection Force (RPF)

    3. Group ‘B’ Civil Services

    • Armed Forces Headquarters Civil Service
    • Delhi, Andaman and Nicobar Islands Civil Service (DANICS)
    • Delhi, Andaman and Nicobar Islands Police Service (DANIPS)
    • Pondicherry Civil Service
    • Pondicherry Police Service

    To get jobs in the above posts, you have to appear for UPSC exams. The examination is conducted in three phases: UPSC Prelims, UPSC Mains, and UPSC Interview. You have to qualify in each round to secure a job in the civil services.

    UPSC Prelims has two papers, which are General Studies I and CSAT (General Studies Paper-II). The marks scored in Paper I will be considered for the prelims cutoff. Prelims have objective MCQs, whereas for UPSC Mains you have to write descriptive and subjective answers.

    How to prepare for the UPSC Mains exam?

    Before discussing tips to clear the UPSC main exam, let’s look at the subjects and the paper pattern.

    Paper Subject Nature of paper
    Paper A Compulsory Indian language Qualifying

    Paper B

    English Qualifying

    Paper I

    Essay Merit


    General Studies I


    Paper III

    General Studies II


    Paper IV

    General Studies III


    Paper V

    General Studies IV


    Paper VI

    Optional I


    Paper VII

    Optional II



    Below are the subjects that General Studies covers.

    General Studies I

    Indian Heritage and Culture, History n Geography, Society

    General Studies II

    Governance, Constitution, Polity, Social Justice, International Relations

    General Studies III

    Technology, Economic Development, Biodiversity, Environment, Security and Disaster Management

    General Studies IV

    Ethics, Aptitude, Integrity

    For optional subjects, you have over 20 options to choose from that include some fields like agriculture, history, civil engineering, psychology, public administration, and zoology.

    Each exam is 3 hours long and carries a weightage of 300 marks. To begin your preparation, the first thing you need is your UPSC Main books. It’s extremely important to choose your study materials wisely.

    Pearson has UPSC books that cover contemporary topics, have accurate information, and focus on learning through storytelling. Below is the list of books that you must get your hands on.

    Apart from these books, you also need to adopt a certain lifestyle and discipline that can help you crack the exams as well as the interview.

    It is important that you build a routine that helps you study well and shapes your personality too. Any civil job post that you will apply for requires utter sincerity. Hence, it is better to start preparing beforehand.

    Stay up-to-date with current affairs and general knowledge. While you can learn from books for your exams, you will need much more to prove your eligibility during your interview. Reading newspapers, learning about history and laws can help you gain more clarity and knowledge.

    For IAS Main books, you can study from NCERT textbooks of class 6th to 12th. They are ideal to learn or relearn basic concepts.

    Always make notes that you can later refer to. Do not limit this just to study materials. Build a habit to research and read about new subjects that help you build your general knowledge or are related to your UPSC subjects.

    UPSC exams have extremely diverse subjects and topics. If you are a curious learner, preparing for the exam will be easier than you think. However, it is crucial that you stay consistent from the day you commence your preparation and continue learning even after securing your dream job in civil services.

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  • UPSC Main Preparation 2022: Tips and Tricks to Crack the Exam

    UPSC Civil Services Exams are one of the most prestigious and difficult exams to pass in India. UPSC stands for the Union Public Service Commission, which conducts the nationwide Civil Services Examinations (CSE) for recruitment to the higher civil services of the Government of India. UPSC recruits for both civil and defense services.

    When we hear of UPSC, the top service jobs we think of are IAS, IPS, and IFS. However, there are 24 different civil service posts that UPSC recruits candidates for through their Civil Services Examination. Based on all three types of civil service, here are the 24 job posts that you can explore.

    1. All India Civil Services

    • Indian Administrative Service (IAS)
    • Indian Police Service (IPS)
    • Indian Forest Service (IFoS)

    2. Group ‘A’ Civil Services

    • Indian Foreign Service (IFS)
    • Indian Audit and Accounts Service (IAAS)
    • Indian Civil Accounts Service (ICAS)
    • Indian Corporate Law Service (ICLS)
    • Indian Defence Accounts Service (IDAS)
    • Indian Defence Estates Service (IDES)
    • Indian Information Service (IIS)
    • Indian Ordnance Factories Service (IOFS)
    • Indian Communication Finance Services (ICFS)
    • Indian Postal Service (IPoS)
    • Indian Railway Accounts Service (IRAS)
    • Indian Railway Personnel Service (IRPS)
    • Indian Railway Traffic Service (IRTS)
    • Indian Revenue Service (IRS)
    • ndian Trade Service (ITS)
    • Railway Protection Force (RPF)

    3. Group ‘B’ Civil Services

    • Armed Forces Headquarters Civil Service
    • Delhi, Andaman and Nicobar Islands Civil Service (DANICS)
    • Delhi, Andaman and Nicobar Islands Police Service (DANIPS)
    • Pondicherry Civil Service
    • Pondicherry Police Service

    To get jobs in the above posts, you have to appear for UPSC exams. The examination is conducted in three phases: UPSC Prelims, UPSC Mains, and UPSC Interview. You have to qualify in each round to secure a job in the civil services.

    UPSC Prelims has two papers, which are General Studies I and CSAT (General Studies Paper-II). The marks scored in Paper I will be considered for the prelims cutoff. Prelims have objective MCQs, whereas for UPSC Mains you have to write descriptive and subjective answers.

    How to prepare for the UPSC Mains exam?

    Before discussing tips to clear the UPSC main exam, let’s look at the subjects and the paper pattern.

    Paper Subject Nature of paper
    Paper A Compulsory Indian language Qualifying

    Paper B

    English Qualifying

    Paper I

    Essay Merit


    General Studies I


    Paper III

    General Studies II


    Paper IV

    General Studies III


    Paper V

    General Studies IV


    Paper VI

    Optional I


    Paper VII

    Optional II



    Below are the subjects that General Studies covers.

    General Studies I

    Indian Heritage and Culture, History n Geography, Society

    General Studies II

    Governance, Constitution, Polity, Social Justice, International Relations

    General Studies III

    Technology, Economic Development, Biodiversity, Environment, Security and Disaster Management

    General Studies IV

    Ethics, Aptitude, Integrity

    For optional subjects, you have over 20 options to choose from that include some fields like agriculture, history, civil engineering, psychology, public administration, and zoology.

    Each exam is 3 hours long and carries a weightage of 300 marks. To begin your preparation, the first thing you need is your UPSC Main books. It’s extremely important to choose your study materials wisely.

    Pearson has UPSC books that cover contemporary topics, have accurate information, and focus on learning through storytelling. Below is the list of books that you must get your hands on.

    Apart from these books, you also need to adopt a certain lifestyle and discipline that can help you crack the exams as well as the interview.

    It is important that you build a routine that helps you study well and shapes your personality too. Any civil job post that you will apply for requires utter sincerity. Hence, it is better to start preparing beforehand.

    Stay up-to-date with current affairs and general knowledge. While you can learn from books for your exams, you will need much more to prove your eligibility during your interview. Reading newspapers, learning about history and laws can help you gain more clarity and knowledge.

    For IAS Main books, you can study from NCERT textbooks of class 6th to 12th. They are ideal to learn or relearn basic concepts.

    Always make notes that you can later refer to. Do not limit this just to study materials. Build a habit to research and read about new subjects that help you build your general knowledge or are related to your UPSC subjects.

    UPSC exams have extremely diverse subjects and topics. If you are a curious learner, preparing for the exam will be easier than you think. However, it is crucial that you stay consistent from the day you commence your preparation and continue learning even after securing your dream job in civil services.

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  • How to Prepare for NEET in Class 7, 8, 9 and 10?

    Everybody aspires to complete their academic journeys as soon as possible and step into the professional world, which has more scope for practical learning and gives financial growth. To achieve that, if you desire to start early, then you must know that it is a very smart decision and it can be a successful one if you start on the right foot.

    NEET is one of the most competitive entrance exams in India for medical students. Most candidates want to start early so that they can keep up with the rising competition. While that is a good motivation, it is also good to be driven by the urge to learn more and better.

    The National Eligibility Entrance Test (NEET) is the entrance test for MBBS and BDS programmes in Indian medical and dental colleges. This entrance exam is conducted by the National Testing Agency (NTA). It is an Indian government agency approved by the Union Council of Ministers. It was established in November 2017 to conduct entrance examinations for higher educational institutions. Before that, NEET was conducted by the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE).

    The exam is conducted each year in May and has a total of 90,000 seats available in MBBS and BDS colleges across India.

    Eligibility criteria for NEET

    • The candidate must have passed 10+2 or any other equivalent qualification.
    • The candidate must have Physics, Chemistry, Biology/Biotechnology as their core subjects.
    • Candidates who are taking their 12th grade or any other equivalent qualification are also eligible to apply for NEET.
    • The candidate must score a minimum score of 50% (general category), 45% (SC/ST/OBC), and 40% (PWD).
    • Candidates with the following nationalities are eligible to apply: Indian Nationals, NRIs, OCIs, PIOs, and Foreign Nationals.

    The maximum number of attempts in NEET is unlimited. But the goal should be to crack it with the minimum number of attempts possible. As a result, many candidates begin studying for the NEET exam as early as seventh grade. However, some candidates find it intimidating to start preparing for an exam as competitive as NEET from 7th grade itself. If you too feel hesitant, then here’s the NEET preparation strategy that will help you study better without being overwhelmed.

    NEET Preparation Strategy for 7th, 8th, 9th, and 10th Candidates

    1. Set a schedule

    This might be one of the most overrated tips you have come across, but we cannot stress enough how important this is. One of the reasons why candidates find it hard to cope with NEET preparation in primary grade is a lack of discipline, organization, and planning. Creating a timetable can be the first step in strategizing your days. But be realistic with it and take enough breaks.

    2. Get the best study materials

    For the NEET foundation, you need to get your hands on some reliable study materials apart from your NCERT books. Pearson’s NEET foundation series can be your perfect investment, as the books are designed to help students learn quickly and accurately. Their foundation series includes books for grades 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 in the subjects of physics, biology, and chemistry. Some of the best features of Pearson’s NEET foundation books include quick recaps at the end of each chapter, detailed diagrams, application-based learning, and test series.

    3. Study smart

    When there’s ample to cover, you need to start focusing on what’s important. Of course, you will study everything. But you can focus more on important topics throughout your curriculum. Besides that, it also helps to learn the syllabus, paper pattern, and weightage of chapters. You can try various studying patterns that help you learn better, like reciting formulas, derivations, equations, each day, making personal written notes, preparing a list of difficult topics in Excel sheets, etc.

    4. Appear for mock tests

    You should take mock tests not only to see where you stand but also to get into the habit of taking timed exams. Mock tests help you use your time efficiently. You come across your strengths and weaknesses. Mock tests are an ideal way to do your revisions and test your knowledge.

    Starting NEET preparation early may seem arduous, but not if you are strategic about it. The effort should be to learn consistently and minimize errors throughout your middle school, secondary, and higher secondary academic sections.

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  • GATE Preparation: Tips, Strategy & Recommended Books

    GATE (General Aptitude Test in Engineering) is a competitive entrance test for candidates who want to pursue a master's or post-graduate degree in engineering. The GATE exam is mandatory to secure admissions into IITs, IISc, and NITs. This entrance exam is not solely for admission to the PG engineering courses, but it also helps you get public sector undertaking (PSU) jobs.

    Who should appear for the GATE exam?

    Any individual who wants to pursue post-graduation courses or any specialization in the engineering or science fields has to appear for the GATE exam. It is perfect for individuals who want to get admissions into top engineering colleges and land entry-level jobs with reputed companies in their preferred sector.

    If you fail to clear the GATE exam on your first attempt, you can appear for it again as there are no limits for attempts. However, you can still get admission to top engineering colleges for courses that do not require a GATE score.

    Who is eligible to appear for GATE?

    • Candidates of any age can apply for the GATE exam.
    • Candidates from India as well as other countries can also apply.
    • Any candidates who have passed or are appearing for a Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering/Technology (B.E./B.Tech) or Postgraduate (M.Sc) degree in any relevant science subject are eligible to apply.
    • Candidates from countries other than India should be in the 3rd year of their course or have completed their Bachelor’s degree of at least 3 years in Engineering / Technology / Science / Arts / Commerce.
    • There is no requirement for a minimum percentage in any of your degrees.

    It is ideal to check for eligibility criteria on GATE’s website as they also accept candidates with some other specific qualifications and degrees like B.Arch, B. Pharm, M.B.B.S, etc.

    How to prepare for the GATE examination?

    Gate preparation can take up to 8 months. However, it can be more or less for some candidates. Either way, if you want to make the most of your time, then here are some GATE preparation tips that will come in handy for you throughout your journey.

    1. Get to know the GATE syllabus

    Knowing the exam pattern and syllabus will help you form your perfect GATE preparation strategy. You can organize your schedule and strategically allot time to subjects that need more preparation. You should focus more on certain subjects because they hold more marks or because they are hard to cope with.

    • The GATE examination is an online, computer-based test that is 3 hours long and has a total of 29 subjects.
    • The paper is divided into two sections: general aptitude (10 questions) and the subjects you selected (55 questions).
    • You have MCQs (Multiple Choice Questions), MSQs (Multiple Select Questions), and, numerical answer type questions.
    • The questions are for either 1 mark or 2 marks. There is a negative marking in GATE. For each incorrect 1-mark answer, 1/3 mark will be deducted and for 2 marks question, 2/3 marks will be deducted.

    2. Select right GATE preparation books

    The right course material is what gives shape to your GATE preparation. The right study materials are important for each subject and for every stage of preparation. Pearson’s GATE preparation books have all the study materials that you will need throughout your preparation. They also have subject-wise solved question papers of previous years’. With Pearson’s books, you can learn and also practice using the solved papers.

    3. Appear for mock tests

    Once you have finished learning all the subjects, the best way to test your knowledge is to appear for mock tests. If you get your answers right, it will help boost your confidence, and if you don’t get them right, you can analyze your weaknesses and invest more time in learning those subjects or topics. As you get closer to your GATE exam, you can solve more and more mock tests each day. It helps you solve unique questions and revise everything that you have learned so far.

    It takes a lot of dedication and discipline to prepare for competitive exams like GATE. While you are learning and studying enthusiastically, it is also important to stay focused, organized, and have a plan for your future. Since you can pursue your post-graduation in engineering from reputed colleges even without a GATE score, you should keep your options open. But do not let that steer you away from clearing your GATE exam if that’s the goal for you. Self-assessment and awareness are as crucial as learning to appear for this examination.

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